Bleach Fan Fiction

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by bellalautner, May 15, 2011.

  1. Please read guys I'm gonna update soon
  2. Please read and rate
  3. Its crap no offence.
  4. You need much more punctuation.say the next sentence after you've written it.If you think its too long add full stops e.t.c
  5. And ur American .The English write better.
  6. ..there is a feedback forum and don't tell me it's crap ok that's rude no offense oh and don't say no offense either
    o.o just saying
  8. Bump PLZ read don't comment here it has a feedback pg
  9. Bump writing more soon srry 4 the wait
  10. Oh god...

    Get this crap outta here please it's an embarrassment to bleach..
  11. [​IMG]

    Who's du troll? Iz du troll