Black Ops 2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Tiku, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. Notice how the majority of the cod fanboys are borderline illiterate, and do not pose any good argument as to why CoD is better.

    It's always "CoD is amazing, X game is ****!!! :D XDDD :D :D"
  2. Halo 4 FTW unlike COD where they steal things straight from Halo(scorpion tank is very similar to one pictured in BO2) and Star Wars(They took those walkers I swear exactly the same thing)
  3. You guys are going all nuta comparing 2 different games. Halo fans, Go nuts. CoD fans, Go nuts. I personaly like CoD better for it's fast paced gameplay. I don't like having to wait 20sec everytime to see someone. I might think this way but someone else might like the slow paced strategic way to move around the map. Stop fightingover this because they are both different and they both have their positives and negatives.
  4. Halo 4 is constant action. You clearly have not played it.
  5. Infact I think on most halo maps you are in a combat situation more frequently than in CoD. And some fancy crap like "Drop shots" don't make you look good, you actually have to BE good.
  6. black ops 2 will be amazing, cant wait to buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:
  7. Why fight over this? It's pretty sad tbh. There both good games by good franchises and you can't really compare them as there completely different games
  8. They aren't completely different games, both are FPS, correct?

    CoD is for casual gamers.. It's easy to learn and doesn't require much skill to get kills... It's children friendly. *maybe that's why there's so many 9 year olds on it*

    Halo.. is for people that actually enjoy a challenge I would say. Takes skill to keep bloom down on DMR, gain map control, and outsmart your enemy.

    my opinion 
  9. Fps's, by nature, are not kid friendly. :|
  10. Yet there's so many 9 year olds on CoD who talk a load of **** 
  11. Actually more kids are on Halo :lol: and CoD is not casual, try getting 2 MOABS in one Domination game in MW3, bet you Halo guys would never be able to do it. But, I, however also am good at Halo ;)
  12. Once you get into CoD you just really can't stop. I've played Halo Wars and Halo Reach at my friends house and I hate them both. What is the point of shooting someone 40 times to kill them? A waste of time you may say. Halo is just a bunch of nerds running around spraying. I bet every single one of you Halo fans know the damage order from least to greatest of the weapons by heart because thats all you do. In my opinion CoD is better.
  13. CoD is too easy for me  and 99% of the time, everyone's camping... yes, takes real skill to sit in a corner...
  14. Kill the campers and stop whining then
  15. Stop over exaggerating, in S&D mostly every either tries-hard or QS.
  16. I'm not whining  like I said CoD is for casual gamers... too easy.

    Want a challenge? play a diff game.
  17. I bet your K/D was under 1.00 :lol:
    Mine is a 2.08 mostly S&D QS ;)
  18.  Even a 9 year old can prob get a better K/D than 1.00 in CoD... Get real.
    I don't even play serious half the time, runnin around QS'ing kids and still go positive.
  19. You're funny :lol:
    I know of MANY people that are older than 9 that have K/Ds under 1.00 and say that CoD is easy. Mostly because they get ONE good game once in a while :lol: