Before there was Halo or CoD, there was.... Counter-strike. Still considered one of the best FPS of all times and the standard that both Halo and CoD try to match with online play. Counter strike is over 12 years old and still highly played. It has professional leagues as well. Not to mention many of the tricks and tips people say for halo/cod are from counter strike. Most of the younger generation never played CS because well let's face it. It takes skill that they do not have. Spray and pray does not work, grenades have to be placed in the right area to do damage, an oh wait I can not run and hide and wait for my health to regen....
Tiku- Lol don't even get me started on your spelling, You say your the same age as me, yet your raging and swearing all over my wall lmao. You use "ur" instead of you're. And you call sex, "experiment"
Well, 'Val' you evidently think you're intellectually superior to many people, because you're reffering to them as 'kids.'
TSB- I'm saying I'm superior to OP. From what I've seen of him on my wall and this thread, I can tell you I'm more Intelligent than him.
Then why did you refer to OP as 'all CoD fans?' That is an insult to millions of people, including myself. Not just OP.
Everyone here will hate me for this hell with halo (though it has a wonderfully written story) and to hell with cod (which is crap in a wet paper bag) BF3!!!(though its campain blows bigggg donkey sacks) lol :-D
I talked to the game stop owner tuesday. He said that BLack Ops pre sold over 1500 copies and counting at his location where Halo sold 700. He is expecting the biggest crowd to date with black ops. Should be an interesting site to see midnight.
Neither is better they are both amazing games; i had the luck to play some bopsII multiplayer at Eurogamer. Counterstrike is more focused on progaming