Black Hand OsW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DE__lIIlIDaddyTacolIIlI__DE, Jun 18, 2015.

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  1. yes, banning is necessary

  2. Oh noes
  3. Saiyan, bs as usual like all the lies you had posted on your wall and erased.

    Whyd you erase? What happened? All those achievements? We saved it for you lol...
    Yeah all lies kid.
  4. Just to point out, what one has in allies is less then what it cost to hire them.

    So technically, y'all could both be right. Sort of.

  5. Hey X, just let these kids keep talking. Like I said before. I posted this so everyone would know the back story. We aren't In an Osw because they stripped a Ps, they stripped other types of builds as well, and now they're paying for it. They can continue to lie, and rant all they want, but the reality is they are just butthurt. This thread was not made for sympathy, but to show here at Crackdown, we don't tolerate bullies, and we will do whatever it takes to see that Justice is restored. Thanks for the variations of comments guys. Much respect Happy Kawing.
  6. So earlier I asked if it was 3 vs 1 and the reply was no. So it's 4 vs 2 then? Just curious.
  7. I dont usually post forums, but this is getting old real fast. Ive never been so disgusted with an osw. I thought it was to fight and defend your families honor not talk a whole bunch of smack and cry about it. Anyway, can we get this locked ffs. Im sick of seeing this junk
  8. What game have you been playing? Talking a lot of smack and crying IS KAW.

  9. Smack talk? The only smack talk that has been said has came from your end. Ss on this very forum. Enough. Speak through newsfeed now.
  10. Requesting a lock to get these jokes off my forum Thank you mods.
  11. 2- bil strip on fate... LMAO
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