Black Hand OsW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DE__lIIlIDaddyTacolIIlI__DE, Jun 18, 2015.

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  1. It only affects the page it's posted on
  2. Ah talks cheap. Now hush and let's see where this goes in 6-months or so
  3. How do you do that red line glitch?
  4. Yeah. How do you do the Red Line Glitch?
  5. Let's stay on topic guys, thank you.

  6. Where in my post is bwc? Exactly cute attempt alt. All alts off thread pls. Thanks.
  7. Bababooooooooooey
  8. So you stripped 13T off an account that had less than 10T in allies? Damn. Impressive.

    Again, this is just your third attempt at gaining popularity amongst the forums. However what you fail to realize is nobody gives a rats ass about this OSW. Nobody cares, especially given the fact you're falsifying facts. Please I honestly do hope you guys enjoy your escapades in wc and forums. Why in Gods name you would bother posting you stripped me of 155b I have no idea. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you took 155b, even though the first attempt I owned 78.4b in allies and came back to 23b, and the second I had the same amount and came back to 51b. But hey, power to you.

    Who gives a crap if you stripped 6b off a noob lmao. Just shows your patheticness.

    However, the thing I find funniest is that you deny to be fighting an uneven osw. When quite simply asked "is it 4v1?" You quite simply replied "no"

    Then care to explain why I have ZF, BWC, CDW, and a e o n infinity in my newsfeed? As far as I can tell they're all separate clans. And black hand is just 1 clan. That'd be like apoc claiming to be fighting zaft with just one clan, nobody would buy it and you look ridiculous saying it.

    Again, bh will stay silent on this thread as we have in the past, but I'd like to just clear up a few mistakes made so far.

    @ X, how are those "100k ea pot" doing for you? Last I saw you were down to a measly 2 SDP.

    Cheers to all involved and let's continue playing kaw the right way.
  9. Not a bh alt. I'm just not too blinded I can't see the truth through that coat of poop

  10. Roasted lmfao
  11. There was no post of you saying bwc idiot. Im calling you a liar lmao. I have ss of bwc hitting bh. Will show proof on certain 3rd party app if you really wanna see it. :/
  13. What's hilarious to that post is that...

    You talk about trash talk? All over your members walls and banners have trash talk yet your a saint? And falsifying info? You claim i got stripped 1.3T HA. When? And you claim half my clannies quit and the ones u claim quit stripped you and have never left. We cleaned you out the second time so dont bother lying. Oh and we accounted for her allies. 13T so nice lie there aswell. Why do u care what strips we post? Seems like its getting to you. All your banners and trash talk mean nothing to us. And escapades, nice try. Your the only clowns in wc bragging how your beating us down when we both know thats a lie & the 100K pots ha, yeah ya got me there. Ill give u that.

    You tell us, goodluck when we reach out to you about u stripping us and you mock us? Saying we're butt hurt over the event. Then when u tell us to deal with it and do something about it and we do, you cry about it. How hilarious is that?

    At the end of the day xtreme you can twist crap up all you want but like you said noone cares about this osw. We'll do what we gotta do. You started this bullcrap so dont cry about it.
  14. @legendary

    You quoted me moron and added bwc hence s "so what your saying" no i never added bwc. Can you comprehend. Look at my post closely, i obviously put cd/rst/ when u quoted me half brain u added no idiot stay off the post if you cannot comprehend reading material.
  15. Are you receiving inc from multiple people in the other stated clans or is it just select individuals in those clans. Just asking out of curiosity.
  16. im surprised you even try to strip 155b, leave alone clearing it. that is a lot of xtals for gold you can earn within a day
  17. Bwc is also hitting for them I and multiple members have ss and in addition to then hitting they hit more than cdw. My newsfeed is nothing but zf.

    With that being said I'll just slide back into the shadows and let the trolls point and laugh and the clan who claims all these achievements against us yet has 3 other clans hitting us. Oh and BTW idk how u stripped empress of 80b when she's a new acc and has never had anywhere close to 80b in allies and every time she's been stipped she's banked and bought back some 4b allies.

    You claim whatever u want with the forum post bs but at this point I'm wondering who u guys are lying to, the kawmunity or yourselves.
  18. 2ldr... Yes quoting all that is necessary
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