Special Nightmare Elite 1337, you think anything we say is crying. I can say rainbows are colorful, and that is crying to you. Sorry for your lack of comprehension, but it is expected
funny seems the more bh post the more they whine/cry and need butthurt cream... otherwise wouldn't keep saying "wahhh wahhh takes 10 clans to take us down wahhh" and bh claiming not being pinned ss or shush it obviously haven't realized thats what got you into this mess.. other than that. the drama an crap talk is much entertainment. keep it up fellas.
And technically that ss contains a bypass in the upper left corner. :lol: Gonna have to edit if you can.
yall talk about us being butt hurt this that yall just make me smille and make yourselfs look stupid :lol: :lol: and no we dont mind yall joining at all do your worst your only losing respect not gaining it from anyone call us bullies because we fire at eb clans correction 6 clans from aow opend fire at us now we are beasting them yall deside to join aswel so yes u do need so many to stop us (hasbeens) and to be honist yall doing a terrible job because non of us is pinned or kept pinned keep up the trash talk your doing a greate job i mean at making yourselfs look foolish and just ask your mole to ss our cc and show all here the truth its full of fb outgoing reports we are having a blast over here and arent botherd by u joining in at all like i sad before no respect left zero respect for you guys come at us with all u got see if we care you wont stop us aow wil still hit the ground and ones they give up we will take care of you guys we are⻏L₳¢Ҝ H₳₦Ð we dont need our allies we are doing just fine without not gone ask them to join either to show u how mutch of a hasbeens we realy are this is my last post here i'm done talking to u i'll see u in my news or you me in yours xxx warrad out :mrgreen:
Warred what I've seen is you guys reporting out going hits on your own members to pin them while stripped lmaooo
10 kotfe clan - oh em gee , someone forgot to tell me we have that many Or maybe its 1 kotfe clan 10 x more active than BH will ever be