Black Hand declares war on AoW (V2)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Sep 5, 2014.

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  1. 404, since they recruited new members..? I'd hardly consider myself a new member 
  2. I never said you were new?
  3. Note: I have received permission from a mod as well as jenni to post these.
  4. The plot thickens as does the true nature of how big of a fail that idiot bootsy is.
  5. Xtreme, haven't those been posted already?
  6. Yes, but they were removed. Now the error in the original post has been corrected
  7. To clarify this matter concerning the trash at StripTease..

    After my retirement, I wandered aimlessly around kaw for short periods seeking a clan that would be fit for me due to boredom in my spare time. Failing to commit to any clan since I have commitment issues and it was summer  I thought it would be a perfect timing to join my old family clan. During this time, there were many new faces and new council members as well. However, I decided to stay as requested by HK. Now, considering my position before I left, I returned with it; which disgruntled a few members whom did not know my history with BH. Why did I leave BH in the first place? Well, the first time it was due to communication issues, our leaders always worked behind the scenes something I never understood at that time, a time I was immature and didn't have a care in the world.

    The second time was due to personal reasons. I let only SirHayden know at the time exactly what was going on, as I wasn't in a good place at the time. Real life was a priority, as it still is today.
  8. Now, when my position was questioned, I quickly explained to my family what had happened, only to get it thrown into my face few days later. I'll put it shortly, I was told I needed to take my medication and that I have several personalities. This was ONE of many personal blows to come. I will admit that I was rude to Hotty my first few days at BH, but I did PM her apologizing for my behavior. Rather than accepting my apology and moving forward she decided to use this against me; A personal vendetta to which I came to know very oh so well.

    Faithy, the only thing I have to say for you is.. Think for yourself. You even once said said I was nice after all, which also quickly changed, and I wonder why? I bet Bootsy didn't have anything to do with that 

    Let us now begin with Bootsy. I don't understand her hostility towards me, as we were good friends once. Others had warned me about her behaviors, but I am one to make opinions of my own; I am not swayed by others. Also, judging by my past, I am not an innocent cookie either. Who am I to judge how one carries himself, when I was once like that too.
  9. Clan mates can easily state their opinions without arguing, so I think. You know, things that "adults do." Talk things out until they come to an agreement. As admin, I played my role. Apparently I was too harsh as an admin, and "biting off people's head" from my "high horse"
    I didn't know simple orders such as.. Stay off enemies walls were taken personally. Bootsy then stated she was going inactive until someone put me on a leash. If you had an issue with me( which I was oblivious to), rather then coming to me to work things out you repeatedly sent digs. Some type of clan mate/admin/ team player you are.

    I went to council expressing my concerns (Cheezey, Rinus, Matty), which I was told to "be nice" Be nice to someone who would go off the deep-end in CC, if things didn't go her way. Every time an issue occurred, I told Council and as by Council (Rinus) and he said what can he he do? He then eventually put Boots and I on the same target (war runner) so we can learn to work together, and again she did not adhere to this. After some time, it got old very quickly. So of course, I responded in the same manner in which she so kindly gave to me. This resulted in her coming to personal blows first. She insulted my relationship with boyfriend and calling be a ****. After that, she left clan.. while we were in WAR.. We are to be fighting the enemy! Not each other. And preceded to hit me, and in return I hit back.
  10. During this, I said some things I shouldn't have but that was only after I lost composure for a few seconds.

    After I what I said, I was getting shouted in PM by Council, in which they were threatening to kick me. Oh? But the things she said weren't bad? As you all learned a few days ago.. Bootsy would get away with most stuff by that infamous third-party app 

    Too much drama, I left , as did other members.
    Wouldn't you? I play this game for fun, not to deal with stupidity on a daily basis.

    So few of us bh players that were banned, all united in TG and started hitting Bootsy, Faithy, and Hotty.

    Trash that shouldn't have been allowed in the first place. Trash that isn't there now.. And now you know why ️
  11. Simple bh stop filling forums with your bs and lies and hit back you lame ass noobs
  12. For the tl;dr : drama, drama, drama
    P.S I have every SS to back my claims.
    Something oG blazey taught me.

    Anyways, this is about Aow.
  13. at HiT__ACE__HiT on what page did you read bh is going after apoc because i think i have missed that part. why would we go after apoc like we dont have targets enough why would we try to get the rest of apoc involved too ?? kotfe wog and se are already hitting us plus a cpl ppl of the aow fam the rest is pinning them selfs in there eb :shock:
  14. Bob can you explain which rule was broken? Also which country version of English you are using to interpret that rule?

    Also if you could point out the post and page # that would help.
  15. This is getting a lot deeper than just aow vs bh.
    I gonna drown in popcorn before the end.
  16. Extreme. You sure spend a lot of time trying to explain yourself. Stick to the topic. BH is not what it used to be. You picked on a eb clan and brought in your alliance. You got called on it. Blundered a CF and not are butthurt. That's pretty much what I see. All the other stuff is just fluff.
  17. [​IMG]

     BH's hormonally challenged allies realizing Apocolypse was creeping up behind them.
  18. ^ LOL

    I always laugh at this.

    I suppose APOC would be quite the delegates if the AOW family decided to jump a clan in your alliance.

    STEP 1: Figure out how many accounts are in AOW.

    STEP 2: Call in the appropriate amount of clans to alleviate the situation.

    ^ that's what APOC would do???

    :lol: <-------official OSW emoji

    You guys would do EXACTLY what we did. The whole APOC alliance would mudhole stomp AOW and hit forums to let others know what happens when you "poke the bear".

    :lol: <--------tm

    AOW stop with the "BLACK HAND LIES AND DECEIT" bs.

    I do not lie. I'm telling the truth. I apologized to your member on his wall, he deleted it (admittedly) and continued hitting us. Now, please stop being whiny.

    It's your time to shine.
  19. Lmao at the ss - can someone fill me in on who my hubby is 
  20. AoW is shining so bright y'all are blinded.
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