Black Hand declares war on AoW (V2)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Sep 5, 2014.

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  1. Obviously didn't teach you to not run your mouth though lol
  2. i like to run my mouth.

    Trends to hey me in trouble tho.
  3. Yeah but you do it in a funny way ash 
  4. Reason i don't get into even more trouble :p
  5. Why is Roni still here derailing this thread ? Where are BH allies and alliance ? When will Snow White appear to rescue her seven dwarfs ?

    Stay tuned hopefully relevance will return soon 
  6. really asha then youdknow what thier new screennames are called but i doubt you do at all all waffle and sawdust where the facts n. data should be.
  7. King Alexander, if that is you're real name....

    relevance shall never return to this thread, this i do swear.
  8. yall are a freaking joke i see so many haters it just tells me⻏L₳¢Ҝ H₳₦Ð is doing a greate job yall talk about us being hasbeens but why did we get offert to join apoc on multible occasions ???? noooo we wont join we are free we do what we want wen we want it no need to hide behint huge alliances no need to be told what we can and cant do by others we are⻏L₳¢Ҝ H₳₦Ð we fight we dont hide never done so never will we are all first class warriors and this is someone thing yall cant stand there for the hate you say we pick on eb clans but who opend fire at us from 6 clans ??? aow did then we ask our allies to join and do yall say bh cant fight on there own so we fight them alone then what do yall do trash talk even more bh has no funds this that come on you do know the whole of kaw is not you guys right the panties who jump in other ppl's osw now that we have +10 clans gunning for us we still stand strong we arent going anywere lmao yall just a big joke to me :lol: :lol: the whole of kaw can see what a joke u guys are the only thing u do is trash talk about bh yall only making your selfs look silly and big ass ....... we were building up banks to attack kotfe bh vs kotfe and yall knew this there for this sorry excusse for a war yall could have at least waited your turn to get beaten up by the⻏L₳¢Ҝ H₳₦Ð war machine yes warmachine not a dishwasher like u guys like to call your selfs we dont care u outnumber us and yes we have moles in every singel clan u got lmao bh hasbeens look at all the hate out there for what ?? because we kick asses there for create enemies :mrgreen: :mrgreen: talk a you like make up excusses as you go everyone reading this forum know who the real bad asses are and uhm its not the ones on the other side its us⻏L₳¢Ҝ H₳₦Ð your stats might be bigger and numbers higher but you got them trough eb we we are in osw 99% of the time we farm our stats togetter picking on everybody we like with out anyone saying we cant we are free men and women this is our motto we fight fight fight as one big fam some call us bullies some call us crazy but everybody knows us big small huge tiny so stop crying and trash talking hit me please i had 1 inc fail scout in the last 24 hours from a ex bh member in wog my former brother in arms i get to say hi to me :lol: love us or hate us but we are here to stay⻏L₳¢Ҝ H₳₦Ð 4 life baby xxxxx
  9. and mctaffert McNooBODY i doubt any of your alts are famous either else youd still. be on them
  10. Ronni what are you talking about?

    A) i have been inactive, save for in march when i logged into forums for a second.

    B) -jOhNnY- would the name, QueenVashti is the name, and teja hadn't been around for at least two years as far as i know.

    C) please, before this thread gets locked, Getty back on topic. I'm rather enjoying it.
  11.  omg I almost pissed myself with your joke. Apocalypse never once offered BH a spot to be part. For we don't take in jokes of clans, but Ty for that laugh. Secondly please show us what warriors you are . Wait.. That's right you can't war and that's why you kick your own members to avoid war with kotfe and any apocalypse clan to avoid war. Please call your allies on your cp in and show us your strength.
  12. asha there and then proved shes bluffing and doesnt have a clue.i know what happened to the origional teja account whats it called now and activr in another clan.and i. know tejas new name. asha sitdown and study old forum threads better before you say any ramblings without having facts. and most know what queen. vasti new screenname is called.All that is except asha
  13. bla bla bla al that comes out of your mouth are u talking with your ass maybe ? because i smell poop
  14. Gotyamoron, I can see that English isn't your first language. But for a pure spy to say his clan that is also filled with pure spies, is standing strong?
  15. Roni, please, read what i say.

    QueenVashti and teja were my owners way back in 2010. They were my first mentors. Johnny owned a clam called war nerve.

    QueenVashti and i still are I'm contract. Also, if you are confusing vashti and vasia, pleA learn how to read.

    Didn't keep in contract with teja because i wasnt important enough lol.
  16. Should mention I'm a guy. o.o
  17. Id like to know where Bh is getting their info on AoW claiming they won. I know for a fact that I read in cc to cf because mutual agreement had been reached and all were advised to abide by it. I think if someone is talking, those who heard it should report to appropriate council and weasel out the needlers. So everyone knows what's going on, instead of someone "hearing" they "heard" someone "say" "something" about some crap that can be solved by the person who said it, being dealt with by both sides. I've respected the cf until I was hit again. I may just stop because it seems a bit unfair this time and have more important things to do
  18. 84 pages :0
  19. should mention im female. and if you weremorethan account then theyd stay in contact with you.and no queenvashti changed names also i have the screenshot of it and what it became. keep rambling asha.itsfunny how you trying so hard to impress like a lap dog really
  20. Stop responding to roni so it goes away. Page after page of dumb ass ramblings. People want to read banter between clans. Not crazy ass accusations and ravings of a lunatic. Can we just have an all purpose thread for roni stickied for her to ramble on and drool all over? Just shut the **** up already, roni!
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