Black Hand declares war on AoW (V2)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Sep 5, 2014.

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  1. Not jumping the band wagon. I just know who i support.
  2. No Hashi, I do the same thing. It's like a horrific accident, you shouldn't look, yet you just can't look away. And while on that subject, Roni, you don't know me or anything about me. If you did, you would know that I'm a grown woman; calling me sleazy or saying I virtually slept my way to the top of BH does nothing more than make me laugh. Oh, and I do not have self esteem issues, doll, and if I did, I highly doubt I would rely on a tap tap game to boost my confidence. Anyways, get to steppin, shoo, take a hike...just GO AWAY.

    whirlwind, you ask an interesting question that I myself have been wondering. This occurred after I left BH, so I have no assurance as to its validity, but I have heard several people say that Warlor dropped the alliance. Last I checked BH was no longer listed on their cp, this could have changed though. Yes, it was still listed on BH cp. Only Warlor or BH can really explain this discrepancy though, but props to you for being so observant :)
  3. Roni did you really just call out the worms? Please say yes oh please say yes.
  4. Oh, and forgot to mention: Mr. T, respect to you for being a good sport and returning inc., same to Matty and, I can't believe I am saying this, Max. I do give credit where credit is due.
  5. ha thats where your wrong i know plenty about you i wouldnt state things other wise.and the im a black hand cheerleader lol i been their clan farm a few times. i dont take sides but ill state what i know when things aint what they are portrayed as from the outside.
  6. last week verdi added me sent me arequest and wrote this. .....It is clear prime is a noob just by his wins and loses
  7. Roni you going to keep arguing or you going to throw in the Tea towel?
  8. verdi akanakedyour anobody. younever even warred yet you think you can judge people. do what asha is doing and growing before you quote people noob
  9. as if verdi / naked is such a hardcore fighter wise mctaffert who the hell even is he
  10. "not as portrayed from the outside" meaning you are on the inside?

    Please, stop before you digg a big hole.

    You presume to know that picture was real, when bh admitted it was false.

    You presume to know more about the war than those in it.

    Are you Spragga reborn?
  11. nice try trying to twist what i sayd hever imust have hit you with home truths with that one. i meaned worms /leeechs/maggots and chumps aka you and all the bandwagon riders who never talk unless hiding behind a group.
  12. Woot, Tyrian just killed Taiwynn.

    Oh sorry, i figured Ronni was still spewing crap. Is he done yet ? Can we go back to the aow/apoc/bh smack talk yet?
  13. Roni, you're harping on like you're a somebody! I've been around kaw a long time and I don't need to brag about my exploits to idiots like you. Having a LB owner doesn't make you a somebody. You're just yet another idiot who runs their mouth on forums. Laughable chat at best, mostly just plain stupid crap
  14. Bert, at that, i must say you would be forced to classify myself as that to. I have no great exploits.

    I do, however have an educated opinion based on facts. Something Ronni doesn't have o.o
  15. mctafferts join date Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:37 pmLast visited:Sun Sep 07, 2014 11:30 amTotal posts:14 | Search userโ€™s posts(0.00% of all posts / 0.07 posts per day)Most active forum:Clans and Alliances
  16. and contrary to what you state about me taffert as if youknow me i had one of kaws veterans aka iProphet offer to be my mentor and teach me. i doubt many get that chance so i laugh at you. mcNobody
  17. Obviously never heard of alts roni
  18. OMG OMG!!! I should totally bow down to you! You've impressed me so much!!! ๎’๎’๎’
  19. He offered.... You did not accept? Meaning you are still a nobody cuz you were idiotic enough to turn that down?

    Funny thing... My first mentor was teja.

    Second was QueenVashti.

    Third was johnny of WN.

    All veterans, all well known (except possibly qv), one was even top of lb
  20. And i still don't claim to be a somebody.

    Shouldn't sit behind others achievements, ya know?
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