Black Hand declares war on AoW (V2)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Sep 5, 2014.

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  1. roni, seriously, get back on the meds. Please answer this one thing for me, as you insist that ss was so real. You seem to ignore the fact that Bootsy was not the only person targeted on said ss. It had a comment from "motha" ***** boots (as if thats not a red flag, it was "mutha", as the whole world usually spells it) stating "I hate BH cuz me AND hotty AND faith sent nudes to get onto council, and then they kicked us off council". The fact is, the only one of the three of us that was ever on council was me. Therefore, she would not state that her and faith got their spot on council a certain way nor that they lost their spot. You can not explain that away. Oh, and before you even try it, no I did not get on council that way, nor was I kicked from council or clan, I resigned. No I do not have a mod daddy, nor a kaw slave. Face it, you are wrong. Now, you may commence with the incoherent babbling. Please, find a hobby, or a hotline, there is help out there for you. I think so. Maybe. Well, give it a shot anyway.
  2. Does said kaw daddy do my tracking for me? Otherwise I want a full refund.

    Fact of the matter is that ss of me was fake. While I'm not innocent of talking **** i regret to inform you that was not me.

    And regardless none of this nonsense is going to stop BH from getting chewed on. So any further complaints about me can be sent to my nonexisting kaw bf or newsfeed.
  3. "Never argue with an idiot, they'll only drag you down to their level and beat you with experience".

    Not sure who originally said that but it's seems appropriate!
  4. Deano I posted something similar on page 76 
  5. hotty another buttkisser with no self esteem to say the truth. the facts are you 4 are all hurting because your mind games and sleazy things you used to do to make your stay in blackhand more permenant it got thrown. back in your faces.that saying you want to play with fireyoull get burned. thats what happened to you when you tryd to over ride your posistion in b.h. Any body is disposible as you found out.all your big talk matters not when you been shown how much you were valued and it ammounted to nothing.pick up the pieces n try again but strip tease has lost 25members already itll fail like the first time
  6. Send me the complaints.......I need the laugh 
  7. Hm... I will be returning as soon as i get some growth.

    Not gonna lie, want prepared to osw yet.

    I'm sure most of those who left are under the same mindset as me.
  8. Its not their fight. I'm not going to make someone stay in a clan for an osw that has nothing to do with them. And most were there for unlocks. But my clan is none of your business. How many have I had you kicked from? But imagine how many r going to drop you of their own accord once you're no longer unsilenced.

    And stop derailing the thread

    Not every thread is about me geez.
  9. Honestly this has to be one of the most off topic threads I've ever seen not get locked.
  10. Roni has changed her argument so much, now it's as if her only goal is to make the people watching and who will see this laugh.
  11. they wereonly in there helping with unlocks none had no intention of staying its a repeat the first time it opened. and asha nobody needs any war training its all commonsense and gut reaction.if you under the illusion you need osw training thats pathethic.its automatic. responses. and you cant be taught from a 5times osw runner aka bootsy.if you believe you do then only way to train yourself is jumping in at the deep end and joining a alliance family they got all the experiance youll need.
  12. I never said training.

    I need growth. I got opponent to strong on there bottom player.

    Growth. Not training.
  13. Back on topic....seems BH aren't happy with the pummeling they're already receiving? Being as they're hitting apoc clans that aren't involved yet? Had reports and ss of inc on HiT and CR. It would seem they're looking for a "look at us go, 1 clan v kaw" look.

  14. Seems they just want a reason to cry more Pete :lol:
  15. Support to apoc.
  16. Geeze I've never heard such a lot of **** talk in all my days. Shut the smack and just smack the your enemy's lol. Nice early strip aow/kotfe/others you got about half..... Just lucky for me the dog barfed lmao respect to the fighters 
  17. Roni....

    You ever heard the term 'quit while you're ahead'? Only problem is you were never just quit already. You're just making yourself look more stupid than you already are! What are you? A bh cheerleader? You sound as informed as Jenni 
  18. Am I the only one that cries in horror whilst reading posts by Roni? Half the time idk what's being said. It just... hurts to look at. Please don't tell me I'm the only one. 
  19. On blackhand cp says allies with warlor, arnt warlor apocalypse now?
  20. mctaffert ever heard the expression becomeknown for. being aindividual than a face in the crowd. the so ev ident conclusion of this is the worms. come out from thier walls of obscurity when they want to impress the big people. its funny you have to feel sorry for them. if they really were. so loud and in your facehow comes they only talking now.Hever asha etc all jumping on the band wagon.and hever aka verdi and naked nice gif picture made of you mocking you staring at the floor holding your friends hand.see even kaws elite make fun of you.
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