Black Hand declares war on AoW (V2)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Sep 5, 2014.

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  1. Spanker* and was talking to Elizabeth from New Age
  2. lol that was a nice try tho
  3. Yes it was I'll give you guys that 
  4. naked it was real.wake up and wise up and stop trying to be a butt kisser. naked akA hever who only gets a voice behind others trying to impress. them. never have i seen him on forums before standing alone or even writting at all.
  5. Roni did you not just read the BH member saying it was a nice try? As in it was fake? You obviously can't read.
  6. Roni is correct about that hever nobody and spot on about bootsie the boot licker, sometimes bum licker. Like that fool king slayer, these kind of Tryhards make up rubbish and spew vitriol on any and every thread.

    They lack conviction, ability, and understanding of kaw game mechanics and kaw Player psyche.
  7. Anyone that has a particular psyche due to a game needs to get back to real life.
  8. Alison I actually respected you, as you can see by our pms now I welcome you to my newsfeed.

  9. So bh says that apoc look for opportunities that severely favour them.

    Why is it that bh were pretty much calling apoc out?
    Why is it that bh had what, 7 or so allied clans hitting AoW before the first cf?
    Why is it that during our first war with bh, that 7 iG clans magically started hitting us at the same time?

    Seems coincidental doesn't it? But bh doesn't like it when they get a taste of their own medicine huh. That's how bh and oG fight. When our allies started helping us, iG pulled allies in to help them. Throughout the entire war we were outnumbered 2:1 maybe? Yet they still requested a cf. When we warred bh in a 1v1, their clan disintegrated.
  10. Funny I agree with roni about Hever. 
  11. @Roni I can assure you 100% Bootsy has not made me her Mod boyfriend 

    If you have an issue with any mods and what the do, then you can send your concerns to
  12. Everyone loves all the mods. How can w4 have any issues with any of the mods?

  13. Support to bh
  14. vixen she did the same with hero taking advantage of his mod powers to do favours for her.she sweet talks them n flirts etc. then runs to them to help her when her mouth gets her in trouble.inferno has did this several timesforum banning me 3times when she runs to him and asks him too. and hes deleted. pupdevil and xtremes screenshots when they all had her on it as subject.but. her screenshots all stay which is very suss yet her comment about dia was slander.
  15. Roni want to get another argument? One that is actually valid? You seem to have trouble reading and understanding that SS was fake and even BH has admitted it. You are just making yourself look more stupid than everyone already thinks you are.

    Ps. Maybe just maybe you wouldn't get forum banned if you watched that filthy mouth of yours.
  16. @ Roni, I've banned you because you're an idiot that continues to post off topic, derailing comments on threads and I've banned you because despite being asked to leave threads by the op, you continue to post.

    I can also assure you that I'm nobody's kaw boyfriend, and if a player that posts a comment asks me to delete it, I will. It's their right to have a post deleted, and my job to do it. I've done it many many many times for players throughout my modship and will continue to do so.

    I've also deleted screenshots from this thread yes, as posting players pictures without their consent (such as pal screenshots) is posting personal info and against the forum rules of conduct and Kaws Terms of Use. I suggest you read them. A few times.
  17. it was not faked. and verdi how about actually being a man stop hiding behind the " incrowd" thinking it makes you more creditable. i say things as i see them. pity you need to hold all strip teases. clans hands to find your voice.a voice in numbers invisible on their own.
  18. Roni, you are kinda stupid. BH straight up admitted to the illegitimacy of that picture.

    You are ata while new level of idiotic.

  19. I am going to use this to have a laugh later on and make fun of you with my friends, Hope your feelings aren't hurt.

  20. Some people seem to be missing their cortex Ashaya, I think we should pray for them and hope they develop one or at least get enough money for an implant :lol:
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