Black Hand declares war on AoW (V2)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Sep 5, 2014.

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  1. Lying pos, dtw.
  2. Oh sorry my phone was dead
  3. And magic stfu with it failed Assas
  4. Xtreme we are such good friends
  5. So from the outside looking in bh and allies wanted to show how tough they r by picking a fight with a mainly eb clan. But while trying to act tough disrespected an actual real osw family. This made bh allies poop in their pants and demand to pull out. To save face for their allies they "restarted" the osw without them involved. Does this sound about right?
  6. ^Has no idea what the **** he is talking about and still posts
  7. it just is too easy to mock people especially in kaw. eclipso while i personally think it would be fun for this to go into a big osw you're being weak by saying bh is talking **** when they are not. they are just defending themselves. there is a difference. nightmare.. this is his thread. he could have you locked from posting on it. also is derailing as the fight is between aow and bh. if you want to fight them too why not just announce it? kind of silly what you're doing.

    dose of reality for the day.
  8. Xtreme where are your allies bro, where's your hardcore attitude we have all seen on the other threads? Everyone was acting like they're hard as **** before you antagonized apoc into your war. We are not here because aow needs help. We're here because you and your members don't know their place in kaw and run their mouths uncontrollably. You and your allies are nothing in the world of kaw. Quit riding the coat tails of the founders of black hand. You're a joke and everyone knows it. Try to get us off your thread, we are being relevant to your war and the topic of your thread  cry all you want. You have no friends and your "allies" are avoiding this thread to keep themselves away from the wrath of apoc, typical and expected tbh. The little respect anyone had for hb left when the real hb left your clan. Pump your chest in forums, it's the only part of KaW that you are relevant to. Got a problem? Hit my news feed, still empty because you all are a joke and have nothing to offer KaW.
  9. Hey washing machine, I really don't care, it's a tap tap game. I've got enough seals and bronze bars to happily repot, so please, burn my 200 of each sdp.  really hope you're entertaining yourselves.
  10. Haaay Dishwasher!
  11.  y'all talk a big game. Do you have anything to offer? Aside from ugly pics? Didn't think so jenni. Talk is cheap, but I doubt you know anything about that.
  12. Ask your master, been pinning myself on him for a hour.
  13. lol classy.
  14. Is there any chance you have a Sammich Making Machine?
  15. Who's my master? Doubtful that you have been pinning anyone with your stats. You're ugly pics are not gonna get you out of this one. Nice try tho. My news is still empty, not surprising, your whole clan is full of nut less idiots. Keep trying blackhand. All of KaW is still at the **** you post.
  16. lol jeez. okay this whole thing is just too absurd. im done for the day.
  17. Washing machine, refrain from posting here if all you have to say is ugly pics from jenni blah blah blah.
  18. Jenni has the biggest balls in BH. I've seen them. Too bad she is too stupid and tries to attack me as a hansel. Nice try tho. Anyone with a worthy account to try me in BH? Didn't think so.
  19. If Apoc and Kotfe joined AoW in OSW against BH then they are on topic with their banter.

    The OP can not remove people with out just cause also.

    Making request like "statless alts" "Alliances" not allowed to post is not a request that the op can make that the posters have to follow.
  20. Xtreme  that's all that translates too. BH war talk . Seriously.
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