Black Hand declares war on AoW (V2)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Sep 5, 2014.

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  1. 41 pages of talking ****. 41 pages of "Black Hand will fight this war ourselves!" 41 pages of bravado and puffery. Then KOTFE joins, only in response to your antagonistic threats, and all of a sudden it's "If our allies wanna join that's there(sic) decision." Translation: "Damn we ran our mouths too much. Please allies, come help us!" Hahahaha I can't stop laughing.
  2. You can always run, but you can never hide noob
  3. Hey it's jenni! The bh whore that gets passed around and passes std out to everyone. Hide ur genitals boys

  4. you said you kicked me because you saw my comment about jews but last time i checked i was out of that clan before slutyminny post that ss of her

    the real reason is that i posted in forums which made you feel kinda vulnerable eh xtreme because last time i checked you guys are all over the forums now talking **** you sack of dick weed
  5. I didn't even know he made a Jew comment. I'm Jewish. What did you possibly hope to gain from insulting Jews nivan
  6. I don't date men. I think you may have mistaken me for yourself.
  7. Jenni. Nice pics, but I've seen better. No wonder why bh let you into their piss poor clan now lol. And I'M the joke? Seriously? Let me sum up the rest of bh posts on this thread: 
  8. Whoa. Don't talk bad about weed like that
  9. Harvo you know where to find me ️
  10. Men wouldn't date u either jenni lol
  11. Lol. Well guess we'll see how even more pathetic kotfe looks when we're still going strong in December 

    Guess I might as well get it out of my system, kotfe sucks :lol:
  12. that was a while ago sky i admit that was stupid and i apologize
  13. Alright. I didn't know about it so I won't judge lol.
  14. omg black hand vs aow and apoc


    lets see who looks stupid now
  15. As neutrally as I can say this...

    You guys were never the brightest spoons in the shed were you.... :|
  16. It's bh. U guys look stupid. Trust me lol

    Take a poll
  17. omg, are you guys in BH really that dense or has the brainwashing got to you? People jumping you has zero to do with AoW and everything to do with this foolish propaganda campaign you call an OSW thread. It has gotten sloppy, I have sat here in awe as you call out and/or run down members of Apoc,especially WoG, and Kotfe. This is the type of outcome I saw for BH and the reason I left (on my own accord, nobody asked me to leave, I was not kicked, blah blah blah). You let the goal of rebuilding a new force in BH, one that could withstand future threats, simply become an afterthought. You harped on the "stay classy" rule for months, but now it is all just trashy arrogance and should be rather embarrasing. You talk about not getting alot of incoming...well, smart guys, maybe that is because 3/4 of your roster dropped to PS build within the last few days. Oh, and most of the other 1/4 of the roster are not BH clan members. You also have your subclan maybe stop playing the numbers game and refuting your own terms as stated by OP in this very thread...that BH alone will fight AoW, one clan vs 6. Now if you want to debate my opinion, feel free, but if the only responses are obviously fake ss claiming I send out nude pics for favors or making up lies about what I did or did not do in BH, then kindly don't bother; After all, staying on topic is most important.
  18. Missteric trust me I'm not going anywhere
  19. Of course I know where to find you, you can't hide from me noobas hard as you have tried , you will never be able to hide from me. Even when you reset you weren't able to hide from me. I'm a patient man. 
  20. What are u driving there ? A pure spy ? What model is that ? The I'm to scared to have an attack build ? Or the I'm too weak to own allies ?
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