Black Hand declares war on AoW (V2)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Sep 5, 2014.

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  1. You must be some type of special, 1337 Elite Nightmare; deeply upset by the BH who died 100 times already. This is a war game, do not get upset when we express our opinion.. after you express yours. The hypocrisy in you is VERY strong.

     Here's a star, make a wish.
  2. Why u so interested in counting now??? U didn't care when the shoe was on the other foot. But now u cry?!?!? Lol

    Long Osw ?? Is that what this is? This ain't a war. It's genocide. And guess what side ur on 
  3. I'm not sure why people say BH called out aow. I've been in clan to hit aow with these guys. I've seen it from both sides and it's well known I don't like most of the people that apparently called out apoc. That said I don't see most of them in clan. That's a fairly convenient excuse chain. If I get hit by apoc so be it. If I get hit by aow finally I'll have some fun. But I'm here till aow and bh have a cease fire or until someone here gets tired of my attitude and shows me the door. Either way it's whatever happens happens and I'm not sure why all of you already talking about it seem to think anything you're saying will change that. Obviously kotfe wanted a war with BH. Just as obviously BH was happy to give them the excuse to do it. Neither side is right. Neither is wrong. So until that changes I'll be here hitting whoever is my target.
  4. What is 1337 elite mean ? Bh code for awesome ?
  5. You truly are special . 
  6. O trust me I am not crying just showing how pothetic you are
  7. Shut the hell up about how many vs y'all dear god y'all said y'all wanted this. Only y'all. Drop the subject on that. If y'all didn't want kotfe on y'all would have shut up in the first place. Enjoy the ride y'all put y'all's self In. If y'all really want it just y'all no allies. Stop bitching about it lol
  8. Y'all should hear my opinion
  9. Y'all should care what a noob kid says
  10. BH thinks they're in the same league as the elite now? Long OSW? You guys have to have funds and skill to be in a long OSW. Enjoy the ass pounding idiots . Big bad BH  has been losers. The best you can do is send us naked pics of your female members. It's not a secret how you guys promote members to council. BH is just a joke now and everyone knows it.
  11. Y'all should stop posting in this forums and post in news feed
  12. kotfe,apoc and aow ftw
    As for this so called new bh seems to me like the same old bs bh talk in forums all day about how they are stripping targets then post they have full bars seriously which one are you doing?

    as for kotfe jumping in they prob feel the same as every other osw clans out there tired of seeing bh running their mouths saying that they are a osw clan when we can all see you target weak eb clan.

    Well looks like you made a mistake with aow. And now kotfe with have abit of fun with you all the best guys n enjoy 
  13. I'm multi tasking. :)
  14. Y'all got to 44 pages
  15. 1337 stands for how many times king of terror AKA "kingofoswrunner" has run and changed names.
  16. and it's the 3rd thread! all combined it's somewhere over a 100. seems like kaw is starving for some big pvp clash =)
  17. hey bh fear! surprised you can talk with that many....lets say "fist", in your mouth right now.
    just dont give up in under a week, ill be sad
  18. aka not to be confused with my nublet self btw 
  19. Yo Washer Machine, you seem like a joke. Just pointing out the Obvious.
  20. Harvo you mean changed names from xx_king_of_terror_xx to king-of-terror. Damn though i had you guys fooled. Next time i will try mixing the capitalization. Hopefully that works.
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