Black Hand declares war on AoW (V2)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Sep 5, 2014.

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  1. Yea cuz u xtal then lie about it 
  2. bring it on aow and kotfe rofl
  3. Yea yea we trolled, you took the bait. Congratulations for taking the bait!! Calling out apoc several times and now yall act surprised? Please , playing dumb isnt a good look on you.
  4. inc of sparta elite now too rofl are u guys for real your just making yourselfs look sad now come on i still dont care but what the hell the big and scary lmao lets all bang on bh hell ya too funny for words it looks like all of the haters in kaw smell there change do your worst after this bh wil still be there alife and kicking :lol: :lol:
  5. at nightmare how does your fam looks now bh already in osw with 6 clans and now the big kotfr fam also jump on us wooo true kaw gangsters that kotfe
  6. So you set this up? Was obvious you guys would jump in and help poor AoW even though it was 1 v 5 . AoW just made themselves look even worse then before
  7. maby aow and kotfe need to ask all there allies and friend to help them out to get bh lmao
  8. At least we are playing you don't have to trinnie you're all natural
  9. 1337 Elite Nightmare,
    Thanks for the unfollow.

    It's great to know your only great attribute is trash talking in public, here is a 1 for your rep.
  10. I'm sorry I didn't know u were in Osw already. I couldn't tell by the shear amount of **** u talk about apoc lol
  11. Nightmare when First thread ran up, first ones to troll was you and other KotFE, yet we disrespected you guys? We were not even allowed to post my dear friend.
  12. We troll because bh said we were scared and too busy hitting eb

    That's the order this happened
  13. R u seriously trying to act like BH didn't call out kotfe and other Apoc clans? Like really?
  14. Now sit down. Shut up. And enjoy the ride u pansy
  15. That thread was half apoc throwing insults at us. But it's good to see apoc make fun of us
    Saying " we outnumbered aow". Looks uneven to me now 
  16. Bring in your allies, unless they won't join now.
  17. Well still won't call in allies
  18. I can tell u this. Never In my life has the laughing crying face emoji been used more while talking about warring another clan 

    And to be as childish and blunt as possible. Bh started the name calling lol
  19. Jesus I don't think anyone here even bothered to bank our golds lol
  20. If our allies wanna join that's there decision. This will be longest osw u guys will ever be in I promise u Let's get a count now how many vs us?
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