I was in an indi war when i bumped into ______________iReg___________ , when a bully is a bully, he does not care how about others people feels. Instead he just want to fulfilled what he desires. Being a leader in Regulators and have some strong OSW alliance he does not show a good example perhaps asked "my main" to crystal and let him plunder to win an indi war. He won at last when i crystal in a close war, what is the meaning of winning when he is cheating? I feel sorry to rest of my clanmates in that war, i told some peoples and ______________iReg___________ caught me. Then he farmed stripped my main. I am here to advise the rest, do not give up to these bullies when u met them because u are going to create more bullies if you do so. Help the rest to help yourself, the World would be better! The future is in our hand!
@skinnyminny, I heard also from my also very reliable sources, that AoW has actually the whole of kaw vs bh.
Not happening bro. Her visitation hours are Monday thru Friday 9pm to 9:12pm Russian Time Zone And, the line is usually huge. Best to stay home and watch on HDTV from your living room.
Skinny minny I had previously asked you to refrain from posting. Please do not post again or I will be forced to contact a moderator, Ty.
No extreme. You asked me to stay on topic, which my previous posts have been well on topic. Is it true extreme, now that you're here, that black hand under the guidance of poo hand nivans is fighting against 1200 AoW members?
Nivans is no longer affiliated with BH, I insured that after seeing his comment about Jews. What the exact numbers are I'm not sure of
It'll be 1500 AoW members next, it seems to go up by 300 every hour, so by next Tuesday bh will be fighting kaw.
the question really is, where is all of this hate to BH coming from? I have a feeling some earlier drama had a lot to do with a bunch of noobs who can only get attention from a girl over the internet.