Black Friday Spectacular

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 28, 2014.

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  1. I like your style. You should feel good about that seal.
  2. Thank you very much, Trip! It makes me happy for you to support me on this part!

    I'm gonna keep quest-farming for nobility points, and when there's another 50% sale off on everything, I'll use it to buy more
    Seals of the Damned!

    Yes, I will take good care of the brand new seal!!
  3. Nice gift to normal players..... BR spell not working
  4. Woohoo! We get to farm all those spending money on hte 
  5. the rich are getting richer n the poor are getting poorercome on dev u earned d way great sales tactic bt stil no support
  6. It's a shame.
    I hope all of you guys spending so much $$$ on this donate regularly to multiple charities. Seriously though. If you can spend my life-savings on this game you better be using that money wisely.

    Sales are always nice though thanks
  7. Can I spend your life savings too?
  8. Agreed~ input promotion on crystal would be NicE!
  9. You take away my crux chest and try to sell it back to me for a dollar? Awesome! :roll:
  10. You use more actions on questing for seals when you'd make more hitting regular ebs.
  11. i dont mind spending once in awhile.

    servers are incredibly expensive to keep.

    As a player, im just renting my spot on the server. As a free to play game, im definitely down to spend $30-50 a month.
  12. Dear KaWmunity thx for the promo. Great offers. You have already stated that chests and keys will not expire. However will you still be able to purchase chests after Monday and will they remain at the current nobility rates?
  13. So i buy 6 seals and gold crux and 12 xtals because of the pop up that told us about half priced seals and unlimited xtal usage, little did i know this was only a plow as i went to use my 7th xtal on my hte i sealed on it says i hit limit i come here to ask why when it said unlimited regen use only to find out they did not specify in the announcement that EBs still have limits. Thanks for making me waste 5 extra dollars on xtals instead of me using it on nobs for seals. I only bought more than six xtals in the first place to use while crux chest was activated. Cheers mates.
  14. Dont get me wrong im grateful for the seals half priced but now my last 33 mins on my gold crux chest im sittin here on regen when i coulda skimmed till the end. A little warning woulda been appreciated is all im saying.

  15. It's pretty obvious. It says crystal regen, you don't regen crystals on an eb, use your 6 then that's it, it's done.
  16. Unlimited regen is not working properly. I'm getting the "you have regenerated too many times in eb" message on The Summoner right now.
  17. Guys the unlimited regen refers to 24 xstal limit within 24hrs. That is what has been removed. The 6 xstals limit per EB still stands. It only means you can use as many xstals as you wish between start and end of promo on Monday. 
  18. Still pissed about the xtal use in ebs. Badly communicated Kaw. I just wasted 127noobs on one slow HTE.
  19. Question: if crux chests are now part of the game will they be the same nob price after this promo?
  20. please extend the time limit on the 50% cheaper seals and horns for atleast a week as not all ppl get payed at the end of the month 
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