Yes I've spent money on this game in the past, but thankfully good sense prevailed and I ceased to do so. There is no reason to be handing out money for this game...there are so many better things to do with your money. Also so many better games to purchase or subscribe too..all cheaper then what many spend on this game. People should be discouraged from spending on here! This game is an unhealthy addiction to some...and it's not even worth far.
When i said devs would sell crux chests for nobs b4 xmas every1 said no they wouldnt. Hate to say i told u so But I TOLD U SO
You've spent around $2000 on just that account? What the hell is wrong with you lmao? That's beyond idiotic. Good god man...thats 2 or 3 months of groceries, 2 or possibly 3 months rent/house payment, a down payment on a vehicle, a nice little rainy day/emergency fund,retirement money, vacation money, part of a child's college fund, a savings account for any kids, a new house appliance "washer/dryer, fridge, oven, water heater. ..ect". But you just blew it on something that isn't real? You have nothing to show for it...not a damn thing. You sir or madam have problems...real problems. I don't even feel right about mocking thr mentally ill. need professional help...a damn intervention even. For your own and your families sake, please for the love of god get yourself help.
am I jealous because he/she has enough money to blow 2k+ on nothing? Uh, he'll no, I am genuinely concerned for the mental state of these "kaw addicts" much like drug addictions or alcoholism, I believe people like ty have a disease. And it's wrong of ATA to be making their fortunes off mentally ill people. Taking advantage of the weak minded like that..smh, it's just wrong. These people need help and support. STOP ENABLING THEM!
I know most of you I will not be able to get through too. Your too far gone, there is no reasoning. We can only pray for those people. But maybe, just maybe, 1 or 2 people will read what I've said and second think why they are spending money on this crap. It's all about helping others ya know.
@Trip, I understand where you are coming from, but, you're approach is very wrong. Any man or woman who works should be able to freely spend money on whatever they want (long as legal) without being ridiculed.
well someone needs to try to knock some sense into these people, no one else is doing it. So many aspects of this game encourages spending, right down to the clan mates who praise you for the seal. Even the Damn updates in wc of this event for using a spell are meant to make the person buying feel a little "special" and "important". It's a constant psychological barrage aimed at your wallet. And people hand their money over with a smile on they're face and there's nothing discouraging it.
there's one particular fundraiser kaw did for a long while back for relief aid after a big earthquake I think it was, for 1 weekend they kept count of all proceeds and said they would double it. ATA game accounts spent 100k that weekend, so ATA sent 200k for relief aid. Now while that's all kind and good, under special circumstances they make 100k in 1 weekend, wonder what they make in a normal week, or month 500k? 800k? Would 1 mill be unthinkable? How much space exactly you think the accounts on this mostly text based take up? Hmm? These people are rolling in it for this game???? And your ok with that? How could anyone be ok with that?? It's a scam more or less...a scam that people will passionately defend. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the devs are likely laughing at us all while they line their pockets with our money.
Trip, Personally, I do not feel that the developers are making money off us. A lot of people have made suggestions before the Black Friday event occured today. It's a 1-day where everyone can buy almost anything with 50% off, which is awesome!! To prove that, I just bought one Seal Of The Damned, and I feel happy doing it!
:-( alas...I'm done. If you people will let yourself get mugged with a smile on your face, the leaste you could do is let some poor kid from the bronx do least then you know it buying someone food..or drugs. Leaste it wouldn't be for nothing either way.