Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Nov 22, 2013.

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  1. 50% off xtals and nobs, and a way to buy xtals for family and friends through the game. Like sending gifts.
  2. 50% Hte or all of them =)
  3. Discount on buildings, on nobility, on health xtals and open to buy mithrils
  4. Can u do mith sale. This would encourage more players to do war.
  6. what about if you could buy the rancor's curse to run vp eb, you could make it somthing like to hte
  7. When r y gonna tell what u decided??
  8. No Mith cap. So people who don't war can get equip
  9. i just thought of another one. how about name changes for One Nob point. along with my last suggestion of unlimited mith for a day.
  10. I like the idea of a 1 nobility point name change :)
  11. Discount on lands
  12. No limit on health xtals :) that would be great
  13. plz plz plz

    Nob sale plz 3x nobs for your money
    Plus aqua inferno reductions
    Mith sale would be nice too.
    1/2 price land and buildings.
    Just for 24 hours would be awesome.
  14. I'd like unlimited use of cheaper xtals, cheaper seals and only a 2 minute wait time for an EB to start.
  15. We should get discount on lands and 50% more gold on every eb
  16. Support discounted lands and buildings, unlimited mith sales, unlimited xtal usage, discounted xtal/nob packages and discounted seal/horn prices. Also support 50%-100% more gold from all EBs for 24 hours on Friday.

    NOW...there is something you could do as far as the lands and buildings go.

    At midnight EST, Have a ridiculous starting sale of like 90% off all lands and buildings. Do this for about an hour. 2 hours tops. Let players know ahead of time so they can't get butt hurt if they lose out. After the first 2 hours, drop the sale to 75% for about 6 hours. Then drop to 50% for another 6 hours and the rest of the day drop to 25% off. Coupling this with all day sales of xtal/nob/seal/horn packages and even double gold ebs, it would be one hell of a Black Friday.

    You could do the same with all of the above mentioned things as well, but I figured buildings and lands would be the best example.

    Speaking of Black Friday stuff, when are we going to know what will be expected?
  17. 50% faster troop regen.
  18. Discount on everything please!!!!! :mrgreen: (i'm canadian too so its confusing for me too)
  19. Cheaper lands or New EB
  20. So did anything get decided about black fri? :?:
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