Double or triple Equip/Aqua/Inferno drops. You've done that before so should be simple to implement for a day or 2
50% off lands and buildings sounds like a fabulous idea an if not that, 50% off all crystals and nobility points
Personally I don't like the idea of 50% off buildings cause I've spent near a tril converting since you posted about nerfing guilds. I would like to see discounted Sod, 50% more gold on x3 haunts and maybe haunt escapes drop random items from all ebs for 24hrs. You could get anything from reck legs to acc chest. Or maybe do that for a Christmas special.
Any chance of giving 2 HFL for free in support of ThanksGiving ? Million Thanks in advance Devs !! ( avid kaw supporter :lol: )
Black Friday is about sucking up a share of our hard earned cash by offering discounted prices, not giving away freebies like everyone here is begging for. Reduce prices on pro packs, crystals and nobs for a couple hours is all you need to do.
Like most Black Friday sales or promotions, they advertise or tell you whats planned before that special day comes. There is probably a lot not warring because there holding out just encase there is a massive land sale or bldg sale. Thank you for the awesome promotion , I will enjoy what ever it is Waiting patiently
I've seen all the replies for this and I think we should get a gold multiplier on all eb's, open TVP eb, take cap off of mith purchasing, take limit off of daily crystal use, and discount nobility and crystal purchases. Most of all MAKE IT FOR THE ENTIRE WEEKEND!!! INCLUDING CYBER MONDAY!!! Some of us (including myself) work retail and will not have time to KaW this Friday and Saturday!!! Black Friday has always been a chaotic frenzy and this will definitely be just that, but it needs to give everyone a chance to take advantage of it.