Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Nov 22, 2013.

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  1. The mith sale would enable those who are behind in warring to get a piece of equipment or two so they are better prepared for EE.

    The idea of selling mith benefits everyone, even the EE warriors who want to get another equipment of enchant one all the way up.
    This will not cost people tons of money and ATA already has the code in place.

    I do not agree with 1/2 price lands and buildings, that basically punishes those people who have decided to grow and paid real money to get to the stats they are. Those that dropped your build to be a guild hansel, too bad. We all must live with our decisions, but don't punish everyone else because of your mistake. It was inevitable that it was going to be fixed; especially because it was all over forums.
  2. The 1/2 price lands would allow smaller builds to potentially get bigger, faster though.

    Do you cry to best buy that they are selling the tv you bought months ago for a fraction of the price?
  3. Actually I would still be within the return policy, so I would ask for the difference and Best Buy would give it to me:)
  4. Everyone thinks 50% off is such a bad idea, it's not.
  5. Any discount on lands/buildings is a bad idea. It punishes those who have already built and only helps those who haven't. A good thing to discount would be anything that anyone would have full and equal access to. So even pro packs wouldn't be fair to discount since if someone already bought them they wouldn't have access to the discount. Items like pots, nobs, and xstals would be good things. Anyone can get them and no matter how many you currently have you can always get more. There are other items that could work like this but I'm too lazy to go through them all
  6. Discount on buildings to help the gh please
  7. Why would discounted land/building be a punishment to some. Think about it. Its a one day sale. Just like a store. I can go to toysrus and buy the hug me elmo for lets say $50 right now. So i buy it. Is it unfair that on black friday i can get it for $35. Should i fail a complaint with toysrus???
  8. A potion u can buy to change ur build. Be it that u can sell buildings at full price and that gold used towards adding different buildings of ur chosen. Essentially allowing u to change ur build.
  9. Full refund on buildings
  10. Mmmmmm something we would like......

    1) a real life camel
    2) a packet of mints
    3) hair curlers for alpha_jaymoney

    P.s I know I've pushed things but I'd really like my own toenail clippers I'm sick of sharing with the clan.
  11. Make it 5times more likely to get drops on all ebs that drop equip aqua and inferno
  12. @kawadmin Will there be any previews of what your going to do? So ppl can decide if they want to participate?

  13. You guys are missing the whole point... BLACK Friday is about EVERYTHING being discounted.. it is the biggest sales day of the year. After playing 4years I'd like to see kaw/ata go over the top and all out for this one day
  14. No limits on crystals pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee will be the best
  15. No limits on buying mith we can keep buying if we have the money like I can buy mith equip by buying mith.
  16. Allowing 100% refund on buildings will allow people to change their builds to a war build, thus increasing war participation (more xstsls used)
  17. tsg x2 in everything gold and items, allow TVP to be ran without having to war! or hand out mith in regular ebs. TBH impress us its your game!
  18. The notion of 1/2 price building and lands is not like a tv bought at best buy or a toy bought at another retailer.
    It's is giving instant growth to those who do not wish to take the necessary time to grow. It would be insulting for those of is who have put loads of time and activity to get my stats. To then have people jump up to my level in a matter of a day would be foolish.
    Personally I would benefit greatly from 1/2 price lands and buildings, however, I don't think it would be fair to those who have HFBC overtime(the way the game was intended).
    Clearly this notion is a cry from those who are too lazy to grow the way it was intended or those foolish enough to drop their build to be a guild hansel.
  19. I've seen where stores have sales at different hours, like between 1-2PM receive 50% off a certain item. That would make the day more exciting!
    I'm all for getting 100% back on dropped allies! Unless somebody wants to buy my overpriced and recently inactive GH? :)

  20. :roll: dont admit that guys... jeeeeeeeeeeeez....

    but seriously sure its been said but if not i think 50-75% off buildings would be REALLY NICE... but probably not possible... sooooo hows aboot a 32 pack of xstals for everyone instead? that'd be super crazy... because thats the point of black friday... crazy stupid deals and MADNESS

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