Mith should not be on sale and remain at the 6 limit, if you want mith go war don't be a little eb fairy. Now on that note anything less then 110% of everything from the oracle, all buildings and land and 168 free xtals will cause mass complaining from noobs.
Kozmo, people are aloud to want what want, don't tell us to war more, u have no idea who we are and what we don't judge....i would like a myth sale for Black Friday
Minimally double drops or double gold ebs will be great. Also hoping for less enchantment failures. Thanks for considering
@ kozmo. I war every chance I get but would still like to see the mith ceiling raised for one day so shut your pie hole. You should be working on upgrading that lazy build instead of worrying about others.
This is great dont make things free cause Black Friday gives you discounts on things some are good and some are bad