PvP payout should increase 200% for the day. Also each successful PvP action should carry a .01% chance of dropping a xstal. This would mimic the insane fighting and crowd rushing hoping to get what you want on Black Friday
get 20b gold every land 90% of its normal price um a free seal or horn or both and um well u name it i want it mabey 20 free xtals for gettin on idk the works mabey even 50 free mith for the loyal players like me lol
How about 10 billion gold extra for players who drop seals in haunting Escapeor make seal bar worth some plunder
50% on seals and horns, land, buildings, and myth sale half off for the whole day max 500, 50% more gold on HTE and RotW. That would be Black Friday KAW style!!!!! C'mon devs hook it up!!!!!!
I would say, a discount on everything. Whether it is xtal cost, inferno prices, lands, enchantment prices, spells. Etc. a small discount on everything would be fine, but eb plunder increases is not part of a sale. Honestly, I don't care on what it is, even if we have one
KAW BLACK FRIDAY SALE LAND SOLD FOR 100% PURCHASE PRICE! LAND 50% OFF! ALLY REFUND 100% PURCHASE PRICE! ALL POTS 50% OFF! HEALTH CRYSTALS 50% OFF! NOBILITY POINTS 50% OFF! AQUA ONLY 1 CRYSTAL! INFERNO 50% OFF! MITH 50% OFF! SPELLS 50% OFF! PERMANENT ITEMS 50% OFF! New permanent item called the- DONT TOUCH ME ELMO SPECIAL This item gives you a permanent 10% bonus to your stats, but has a 98% chance of resetting your account when you buy it. Because you get stabbed at the mall. Make it happen devs.
You mother fuckers are asking for to much and probably don't even spend more then $200 on this game weekly or monthly for that matter so just pick one of the options that the devs mentioned stop being so greedy.