Give me the seals and I will buy it for you. Or you can wait a few years and then maybe I will. Seriously why not just do a mass help everyone you like or random seals in random clans, rather than just leave em there?
I do agree with tr1, to a degree. But I went the same way. Mp ally. It's not worth the loss. Lol Just 1 lb list where u decide if u want to take the chance. Don't agree with the way the devs are "not trying" to keep us intrested. But ive always got the choice to play a console. Lol
Is the regen limit just daily usage and not the eb limit? I used 6 and can't regen anymore for this eb. EDIT: Nvm just didn't look at the page the admin said it. lol
Ok. So I have a problem. I had 3 gold crux, and 9 regular crux. I opened 1 of each. We're they not supposed to return like yall said. Cause now I've only got 2 gold and 8 regular. I keep reloading the app. But nothing changes. My alt got his 2 back. Why didn't i???
um, you don't get them back. what they mean by "return" is crux chests are on sale again for the first time since last thanksgiving
They should have specified! "Crux chests have returned" not crux chests return. Saying crux chests return says to me and others that the crux chests get returned when used like when they said "xtals return" on that ll wars open beta. Need to be specific instead of general. General they could either be this or this, but specific they are this! Saying crux chests return is general. Saying crux chests have returned is specific. So thank you again devs for some trippy information on something that matters!!!! SMH
Devs aren't obligated to put ANYTHING on sale, let alone EVERYTHING. Although I'm sure there are those who'd rather xstals/nobs be on sale, they're not. So personally, as someone who gives the devs grief often, I'm thankful they even did anything for it!
Well I'm not happy about the sale ending tomorrow. I was hoping it would end on Tuesday... I was gonna buy some on Monday which is the day I get paid. Now I'm not even buying any for real. I changed my mind. Smh.
Poor TR1. I remember last year when he was so happy he spent so much on crux chests and seals and I pointed out to him all his crux chests he bought would be wasted as they would always be available through events. He disagreed and told me to be quiet. The devs said limited time only from Marketplace so its worth buying.
It is past page 3 now so I doubt ATA is still reading this, but with this new event coming so soon after the last one, I wonder about the Prolific Plunder spell. Will it stack with the prolific plunder spell of the last event?