Bittersweet Charater sighup

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TheMysteriousBox, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. Found this on the Internet just change the hair colour

    that is what he looks like
  2. Name: Angel
    Age: 16
    Personality: Acts like the opposite of her name but never gets caught. Is the rich "popular" girl. Very beautiful.
    Gender: (Hmm I wonder) Female
    Abilities: Super Sneaky
    Smarts: Very smart.
  3. Name- Chrissy
    Age- 14
    Gender- girl
    Personality- doesn't care for others, mean, snobby, know-it-all (She's actually very smart- and she knows it!) relies comepletely on what others think about her, she's ashamed of her family.
    Schoolgrade- 9th
  4. Sory for closing the tread early I just really wana get on writing
    My favourite characters are Lazara (is that how u spell it?) And Lady-Marians
    "s but I wana change the name to Angel because when I was in kindy there was a snobby girl called Angel