Birthing Another Person's Baby

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Imitation-Cheese, Dec 15, 2015.

  1. Concentrate on making people enjoy their life more, rather than live worse lives for longer just because we can. Modern medicine has helped the world population spiral out of control, 200 years ago we didn't have these issues because people died younger.

    If I was heartless, the answer would be to stop sending money to the third world countries.

    The solution to the worlds problems isn't refusing people other ways of having babies, it's stopping this obsession we have with living longer.
  2. Certain studies that I won't quote for the umpteenth time have stated that " for humans to inhabit the world at today's level of technology with no negative environment all issues, would require killing off 90% of the human population".

    The built in issue is who pays for the elderly and people want to ensure their blood line survives hence so many babies in nations that cannot support them.

    Most nations already put a value on life. With certain drugs that could be used as cures being refused due to extortionate costs.

    Want to be the one to pick who lives and dies?
    Would you pick yourself to be first to die?

    If these people can provide and nurture a child good for them. Limiting families to having one or two children is far more sensible than allowing people to routinely have children they cannot afford to raise.
    In the case of Britain a matter that is being addressed by new claims for benefits being restricted to two children per household. And that is still far from ideal.
  3. The reason we didn't suffer overpopulation before medicine is because over half of the world's population didn't make it to the age of 5. I would much prefer a world where everyone has 2 kids who live well into adulthood - there will always be baby booms when medicine is first introduced into countries, but eventually they will end up like developed countries - a low infant mortality rate, but matched by an equally low birth rate
  4. I think she should keep the baby as her own
  5. Also to add to my previous post -

    It is the poor nations which are having all the babies. They are still in the lifestyle of having many children with the expectation that some will die.

    Practically every developed country (USA is an exception) has a birth rate such that the population is either stagnant or declining when immigration is ignored.

    The real question is: how can we create new developed nations with lower birth rates without increasing consumption such that pollution goes out of control? Consumption in the West is extremely high per capita. If everyone in the world consumed as much as us, the world would be an environmental disaster.
  6. Yeah, it's a bad idea, almost a sin, to want to live.


    Oh right, more dead babies is the answer. How could we be so selfish as to want our children to survive?
  7. Nathan, do you have children? I suspect not.
  8. I feel like the only thing morally right would be to birth the child, an give it to the rightful parents. And of course sue the hell out of the company that screwed up.
  9. It's up to the woman , her choice , nobody elses
  10. I'm sorry this happened , but I'd expect crap like this. I don't necessarily agree with artificial insemination or abortion. But every situation is different , so I would agree under strenuous circumstances. All that being said I'd keep the baby and do my best to be a great father . There are tons of people that raise children that aren't thiers in mixed families etc. And do a great job and their are tons of people with the title of mother or father that have nothing to do with their child. So blood relation shouldn't matter only love. Also they were ready take risks the day they walked into the clinic. So I say man up and take care of the baby you have 2 able parents that want kids and a life is growing in one of them . .do some soul searching and figure it out
  11. If you're at the point where you're seeking artificial insemination as a means to conceive because you have exhausted all other options, then yeah, just being able to have the baby should be enough. However, some people don't have kids just for the sake of wanting a little one to call their own. Children also carry on our names and our bloodlines which to some people is the most important aspect of having children.

    I hope that whatever the couple decide to do is in the best interest of not just themselves, but the unborn baby that didn't do anything wrong as well.
  12. Tough one, but both family's getting treatment at clinic last chance saloon, I'm sure an arrangement could be made with both party's,the woman could carry the child as a surrogate and in return for the clinics bodge up she could get free treatment until impregnated
  13. I don't think it's gonna be as easy as both families have each other's baby and then swap.

    The woman carries the child, feels the movements, hears the heartbeat at check ups. There's a bond that will be created at the moment of birth.

    The couples obviously wanted babies or they wouldn't have been in the situation. Personally I would count my blessing and pray for a healthy baby. I really don't think DNA makes you a parent, love and commitment to the child do.
  14. Im not sure why these threads always pop up and are allowed to continue. They do not add enrichment to KaW gameplay at all, and aren't beneficial to the community here

    Having said that, the woman should be thankful her sinful attempt to murder an unborn child in her womb failed. She made a choice to have a child, and started the process of creating God-given life. She has no right to terminate another life after the process has begun.
  15. 1. There is a reason for an 'off topic' section of forums.

    2. There is nothing wrong with healthy debate, can educate people.

    3. Religion has absolutely zero bearing on this topic.
  16. Disgusting thread you should be thoroughly ashamed.
  17. "God given life" via test tube. The holiest of containers.
    I'm sure the pope himself blessed this particular one.