It's pretty sad that you cheer your clan mate on when he makes a lame ass comment about going in my mom's basement and "rubbing one out" then get all self righteous and indignant about the response. Hypocritical much? As for your opinions, feel free to join the long line of people waiting for me to care.
Apologies for calling you out and not him. I missed that one completely I'm man enough to admit to my faults when they aren't intentional.
I still have the same stance tho. No reason for that crap here. I hope my clannies can be better than that as well Seems you care enough to keep coming back black lol
Keep it comin trolls lol I could care less what u perceive to be the truth because I know the real truth and thats all that matters lol so can we get back on the wagon here and get some more fun creative nominations?
Ya know Monkey, you should maybe think about how you will be percieved before calling someone out for the same thing lol tbh you sound like the ****** of the year. :lol:
can some one tell me who was noob of the year 2014 coz many ppl saying I had won and I donno who had won