BIGGEST NOOB of 2015 award

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Zera, Feb 6, 2015.

  1. Monkey I just told you what the fact is and yet you still try to prove a point. You people are something. That's why I love coming here.

    Why lock it? Does it really matter? Do people really think these forums are for the emotionally challenged? At the end of the day if you can't be an idiot or laugh in a game where the hell can you and THAT is my reason for being here. I don't have to prove anything to anyone. Only do what I enjoy doing and watching peeps scramble at my posts:)

    Also intent and reality are both linked by perception when it comes to text based communication.
  2. The factthe facts are easy to see. blunt is butthurt that AVN is kicking his ass, you are butthurt that people aren't afraid of you enough to not call you out on it.

    Facts. Gotta love em

    Ps. I'm laughing too. At you, not with you
  3. Phew i dont see my name :lol: i vote luck
  4. Umm I don't care about that. Why would anyone be afraid of anyone in a game? That itself is just plain dumb. I have hit maybe 2-3 peeps EVER over their opinions of me or other things. Relax bud. It really don't have to be that serious

    If laughing at me gets you through a day please keep on it. That's how life should be, no worries about the trivial stuff:)
  5. Lmfao love it. And to all the trolls. Keep hatin. makes me know im doin somethin right ;)
  6. Ok black first off I could care less about getting hit. I only play for osw. Ask around. Ive retired more bc accounts than u have prob owned. second this entire thread is to shame ppl and create a little fun banter. Being its 2015 throuout the year we can get nominations and at the end of the year vote. Mind blowing concept I know. So to answer e1 im far from butthurt. Hell if I was really bothered I would juat turtle too. but taking the attn off other more important accts in this osw is also a strategy u might not be familiar with. Anyways go back to your moms basement now where u live, rub one out, and get back to your lame life lol
  7. Ass kicked? Lmao he dont keep me pin. but believe I have pinned and kept him pin several times. Once again troll, without haters like u I wouldn't be so cool so thanks :)
  8. Butthurt award acceptance speech 
  9. go get ur eyes checked out and ithinkk u forgot to take ur meds because its obvious u cant see very well and ur delusional. lol
  10. Chubby, Kind of. But he failed to leave out chubby and monkey for his inspiration:(. Sorry guys
  11. I have to say though..... I was wondering who would be the first nOob(and from which side) to be the first to cry here in forums about inc.

    Looks like blunt answered that.

    Also, I must point out that I like.... Already forgot his name... But the other hit guy. I like his attitude. His perception is slightly skewed, but his attitude is on point
  12. Lol. Told you it's all about perception
  13. My vote for Biggest Noob is for every person, including myself, who actually took the time out of their limited days to read this :lol: :lol:
  14. Blunt, I could have been your father but the guy in front of me had exact change. I probably have grand kids older than you. Man up and quit crying about getting hit. You're embarrassing yourself.
  15. I doubt it black. Not even those kind of women want some punk kid.

    At least everyone up until now stayed with clean shots. Then some kid who learned something new comes in and stinks the whole place up. I hope you stay after school Monday and go read a couple books. Increase your vocabulary then come back and tell us your thoughts.

    I hope a mod locks this for low brow filth.
  16. Oh please. Your whiny ass clan mate started the thread with cheap shots and I hardly consider "go back to your moms basement now where u live, rub one out, and get back to your lame life" to be a clean shot. He wanted to play, so stop crying now because he's getting his ass handed to him. And get a flipping clue about my age already. I don't go to school. I probably graduated before you were born. Find some better comebacks.
  17. Careful guys, you're clearly dealing with a senior citizen - he prolly even went up hill both ways 
  18. Dragon

    Wow you sure don't act like it!! Pretty sad when an older player resorts to that kind of banter in a game rated for kids man. No one went off that end of the pool, even OP, get out of the deep end before you drown bud. No one here is gonna pull you out.

    I guess you were spot on with the "I probably have grandkids older than you" comment. It means you likely have kids you don't know about, and if you do know you don't have any relationship with them. Good damn thing cause you surely aren't father of the year. Good for them being away from the likes of you

    Glad I don't let my kids play this....just sad
  19. I have to say, good attitude or not, this front guy seems to be an idiot. Or blunts alt. Or both