BIGGEST NOOB of 2015 award

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Zera, Feb 6, 2015.

  1. RussianSpy for trying to look important in forums but just managing to become the new Roni lol
  2. Nightmare for being such a tool :lol:
  3. Yes, anyone who makes a thread about anything is "Butthurt", we get it. No one could possibly be simply making an observation and having their own little laugh while sharing a thought with the kawmunity. Nope. Never. Can't be......gotta be "butthurt" cause then I can troll it
  4. Can I just nominate Omar for being so sexy he must be a noob
  5. support
  6. As I spend more time in forums it has become increasingly evident that approximately 5% of posters are those who post what they want, without any care for what others think and they make their own beats.

    All the rest are just ants marching to someone else's beat striving to be accepted somewhere within the cadence of this place.

    I'll introduce a new term to forums then....since butthurt is extremely overused and references players that are seemingly upset over something done to them. My new term will reference those people looking so hard for acceptance they ride behind other players they think are more relevant. I will call them....

    Buttnosed verb;buttnose. "All you do is buttnose Monkey all day, the toxicity must have rendered you brain dead"
  7. I nominate myself and -vex/-Ryder-/nightwolf/cub
    EDIT: and the noob changed his name again
  9. It's not a thread about anything. It's a thread he made in an attempt to embarrass a player that's beating on him.

    In his first post Blunt starts going on about "osw noob/sissy of the year award for turteling on a lvl 1 stable hansel with no adp every day" and "selfishly plundering instead of doing some real osw work" As if it's somehow not manly to whack a Hansel and Avn should be ashamed for doing it. It doesn't take a genius to figure out Blunt's trying to shame Avn into not hitting him.

    Every build has strengths and weaknesses. Why shouldn't a player take advantage of them? Blunt wanted to be a Hansel. Now he's crying because his weak attack defense allows him to be easily hit. If he doesn't want to be hit he can drop his attack building. Coming here and crying about getting hit only makes him look butt hurt. It may be an overused term, but if it looks butt hurt and sounds butt hurt, it's probably butt hurt. If Blunt doesn't like it, he should have stayed out the forum.

    I also nominate Blunt for the biggest noob of 2015 award for starting a "BIGGEST NOOB of 2015 award" thread when we're barely two months into 2015.
  10. My nomination goes to saltyfeet.

    Too much butthurt.
  11. Again. That's the problem. Most assume everything is crying. In fact I am now crying because of others crying. You are crying because of his thread not living up to your enjoyment. Let's all cry together!! Or perhaps things aren't that big a deal after all and we are all just people talking on a game. Maybe.
  12. Now there are two HIT members on this thread crying. Blunt and Front if you are getting smashed you should not post it on forums with this type of butt hurt :roll:
  13. HiT_XxFRONTxX_ApoC

    For crying on forums
  14. This reminds me of the "Einhorn is Finkle!!" Scene where everyone is crying (or throwing up)
  15. He does it often
  16. I second this motion
  17. Yup. Tears and all. Super hurt over all your mean words:(. Guess I'll go eat some worms.

    I didn't realize the only context available through typed words was anger and sadness. My bad.

    Apologies to all.
    Senor you "cry" about everything and everyone more than anyone in here lol

    And Jack you know damn well my tears are the least of my noobness
  18. Dude, front.... It's obvious blunt is CRYING about his incoming. If he made the thread and then didn't immediately post a rant crying about how he is getting his ass kicked by Avn then no one would have mentioned him.

    He made this thread strictly to cry about his inc. He tried to disguise it under the ruse of another subject but the message is still the same. AVN is kicking his ass and he's mad about it. So mad he came and cried in forums.

    That screams BUTTHURT!!!!!
  19. Monkey, the funny thing is we all know him well and he really didn't know better on the thread and definitely didn't intend it that way. Even if that's how it is perceived by many it doesn't make it fact, just the most logical conclusion based on the thread. He truly is laughing at it

  20. Intent and reality are two different things.

    If he wasn't mad about the inc he wouldn't have posted the thread. It's that simple. Obviously AVN is handing him a beat down he can't take.

    People who don't care, as you say, don't make forum threads full of nOob tears over inc. You here attempting to defend him when you yourself think it was a bad move is silly.

    Suggest he lock it and move on. As long as it's open there is going to be someone on every page clowning him for the rage in the OP.