Big War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by WhiteElder-Dragon, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. No it's a war the players 2 players organize and other players sign up we actually war no rp or what ever you guys think we do also I don't appreciate the hits
  2. Stop whining this is a war game. And yes there is player organized events/wars
  3. Op we know what you do and don't do we give you guys a hard time because it makes us look better or something anyway a lot of us tarted in pimd and came here (or vice versa) either way thanks for reminding you I haven't hit you yet.
  4. Two things. There is something like that where a clan challenges another clan to war. It's like 2-3 admin votes for the war to be accepted and declared. This war is either locked or open roster, and lasts 12, 24, 48, or 72 hours.

    And also, if you didn't want the hits, you shouldn't have mentioned PIMD. There's a big flame war between the games, and people don't like others from there usually spamming our forums with stupid stuff.
  5. Op you are awfully big for someone who uses the term "big wars"? Purschased account maybe? I smell a ban hammer!
  6. Op we have had wars like that in the past but they fail do to spying on other teams poor leadership and a slew of others
  7. Or like the one I co hosted the other owner disbanded the clan he was in before the system war started That was 8 months ago
  8. Worobey I wouldn't be talking man.Leave the guy alone he is just asking a question you don't have to be mean you need to grow some stats and work on that build.
  9. Snap jaw I know wars as I have writen the guided for it
  10. You're defidently a noob op.