Discussion in 'Wars' started by Senor_Butthurt, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. Lmao.

    "Farmed everyone"

    Okay Alison.
  2. Is one of ur many fronts "gutless mouth pieces"? Guessin u are runnin that decision op?
  3.  Sledge
  4. Ok sweetie I can tell by 9mil cs and only 37k battle wins that you have never seen a day of OSW.. I like your thief achievement.. did you have to sweat to get to 650 steals :lol:

    let the experienced grown ups speak.. the scoutlawz do not need another noob running their mouths on forums.. that is why they have DMD.

    And yes mouthpieces are important to OSW clans and alliances :p
  5. fake ireg statless alt please leave this thread before you get it locked.. Can a mod please remove those posts? :)
  6. Lol I guess y'all can farm each other
  7. U feel free to test that theory at anytime op

  8. Refrain from bypassing please. Next one and its a forum ban.

    Please keep this thread clan. We are watching...
  9. Isn't impersonating bannable?
  10. Renamed, they do not "worship" a king. I was actually quite good friends with him when I was omet. The king is their leader and extremely respected. The omets do not act as one person, they act like an ocean all moving together. They follow posting rules so that it is almost impossible to track them and if even if u get one, you won't get another. They are probably the most deadly alliance in kaw due to strategy and #s along with discipline.
  11. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    They are a bunch of little kids. What strategy could they have?
    They have no strip funds and cannot do any damage to a real target because they are a bunch of small noobs accounts.. They are the biggest jokes in KAW because they actually think people are afraid of them.. They made a bunch of statless alts to post to saltyfeet's thread when he was trolling them, like everyone didn't know who they were and who they represented...

    Congrats you were an Omelette.. Your worshipped some loser that lives in his moms basement. Your "kings" only accomplishment is that he organized a bunch of little kids on a video game and told them what to do.. They do not do anything or fight anyone who can fight back

    "Hey man, come play a video game with me but only listen to what I tell you and we won't actually accomplish anything."

    Did you have to wear the gimp outfit for your king :?
  12. What's up with calling us ScoutlawZ? Mad your spies pinned 24/7? Maybe targets should stop pinning on EBs so my lovely assassins can visit there kingdoms.

  13. ya bro that noob Cowboymagic really is scaring me with the 650 kawreer steals.. You guys are known as the Scoutlawz because you pin on EBs with your attack builds then try to scout bomb other attack builds :oops:
  14. Tell u just like op renamed test ur theory
  15. The day noobs stop hiding behind alts, is the day KaW actually gets legitiment.
  16. the day noobs stop getting butt hurt by statless alts will never come.. btw I am the op dummy. when I asked a mod to remove the ireg posts, she changed my name and cleared my status message.. Cowgirl I will give you some slack because we know you are new.. just feel free to ask some questions.

    Perhaps you would like to know the history of your clan?
  17. Perhaps your main would like a reset?
  18. There is a secret alliance that exist. Run by midgets and their legendary leader. I won't say who runs it or is in it but I am pretty they could destroy kaw the video game and kaw irl too. They are powerful with magical powers and are never dare to be tested. Spragga and chuck Norris asked for cf before they were even hit in fear. Speaking of them I am at risk of losing my building in kaw and a big toe irl. That affect my ability to run away from them. Just an FYI
  19. no man I am good on the reset.. will keep the main from that
  20. The Scoutlawz are like the Omelettes.. They are a bunch of noobs that do not hit anyone.. Everyone is laughing at you