Discussion in 'Wars' started by Senor_Butthurt, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. yet another who speaks half a story without knowing the other side .
  2. FortySix and finally out of the closet. Led by the ultimate butt pirate, IProphet.

    Whatever happened to them? I know I heard iPro run his yapper about all he has done in KaW. Anyone know of anything important Iprophet and his band of goobers has done in KaW besides talk like he has done important things?

    Oh and where is jayde, that one man that acts like a female that has a total man crush on iPro?

    Maybe she can enlighten us as to fortySux history
  3. Roni I don't need your side of the story. It's probably as delusional as you are.

    You stalked LaLa. All you talked about was LaLa. Your mentally unstable, and your side of the story doesn't matter.

    5150, this ***** is crazy
  4. You're mentally unstable*^
  5. there are reasons behind everybodys actions and people will lie thier way to cover themselves and gullerble people naively fall for them to spread thier propaganda to save themselves .
  6. Lol @ Roni's last message. That's not the rambling of a nutcase..... sarcasm/
  7. 1.- ipro has more, way more balls than u'll ever have, to post with main.
    2.- ur a statless no balls alt.
    3.- do u even kaw brah? If so, log onto ur main, pick up some balls and come at me
  8. @ the all brown eye
  9. Salty, you couldn't take two steps in my KaW shoes. My main is a household name.

    You are just that forum troll that no one really even acknowledges because of your level of suck
  10. U stop flapping ur gums and come at me u chump
  11. U are just... ? Nah brah i deliver. Test me. U aint got no balls
  12. the all knowing eye has obviously been burned by iprophet he sounds very bitter n upset over his trauma
  13. Awwww make me!!! like hes a lil boi!!! I'll also tuck u in brah 
  14. "You have no balls" says the ally less pure spy forum scrub.

    Your build screams CHICKEN **** kiddo.

    Now shush
  15. Most likely ipro kicked his ass. Thats y hes all butthurt and sour
  16. So u were checking me out?!?!? Wow, sorry. No homo here
  17. @Roni

    I see iPro here with a little statless alt, so I figure I come play with him while I verbally abuse you
  18. IPro hasn't kicked anyone's ass that I know of. He only talks about kicking ass

    Kinda like salty. Is salty iPro?
  19. At any rate, dont give me excuses brah. First u came up with me being a troll who didnt deserve ur inc, then cuz i was a ps. Classic loser behavior tsk tsk tsk