big league confirmation of bowing out of BL/SABO war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LHL_MrVirtue_LHL, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. It is a war game... You're meant to war.
  2. Not for months and month, no one makes much money and you don't sleep much feeling fear of being stripped. I don't sleep much anyways but that's not the point. It's also somewhat stressful
  3. I'm not trolling/ bullying you etc . But u can't expect what you've posted to be anywhere near acceptable , can u ? First off u bow out , then u bow out and surrender , now it's u surrender but were not defeated  please forgive me when i say this but are you trying to deliberately mock Sabotage ?
    Is it really that difficult to just admit defeat and surrender ?
  4. No mock was intended, bowing out and surrendering is the same thing. Shouldn't be so critical on my wording. We've surrendered because we don't want to fight pointlessly for months. Take that how you will. Big league has officially surrendered, the reason why shouldn't matter, take it as a victory and move on. No need to keep beating a dead point
  5. Patty u make it impossible for us to respect u. Surrendering then saying u weren't defeated is not good enough for u. However we arnt bully's as u would have people believe. I won't hold ur clan responsible for their leaders unfounded arrogance. If u thought u held ur own in the war u would be the only one.
    We will cf on Big League but u can continue to expect hits until we feel we are paid what is due.
  6. To those in Big League who fought back respect to you and good luck in your KAW future 
  7. sabotage forever!
  8. Patty that's the point of war. You ask YAFI how long they've been warring and see what they say.