Big-Hansel-Plunder Decrease when upping T6

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DN_SlowMoJo, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Probably because hansels have a huge advantage of being inconspicuous and the mechanics of stealing and scouting and whatnot. But, I believe when it hits that plunder curve and starts going down, instead of decreasing it should just stop all modifications to that number.
  2. Exactly as Deano says: you should switch from Haunting and HTE to Smoke Signals and co. At HFBC, you'll get almost as much plunder from hitting SS than hitting HTE.
  3. It's called the plunder curve. Your assassination power will now be higher so if when you skim assas you will make more. On top of that due to you're higher power of assas (since you don't get gold right away) makes money on the end payout. That's why
  4. It's somewhat connected to eb's but that's not the actual reason for the plunder drop.

    The algorithm kaw has for computing plunder involves a ratio of strength to total troops. If your strength increases but your troops do not (ie towers or upgrading castle), your plunder decreases. If your strength goes up a large amount but your troops only slightly increase, your plunder may still go down.

    That's why folks see plunder drops from towers and castle and why some builds, depending on size and setup, see decreases when upgrading SOS and t6 buildings. Before t6, SOS was the only non-static building that you would see this occur on. Now the t6 buildings are powerful enough that the small amount of total troops gained from an upgrade is overpowered by the larger increase in strength gained.

    And yes, unless the algorithm is changed (highly unlikely), t6 lvl 4 will almost certainly result in plunder decreases when released. Typically the decrease is offset in eb's though as your end bonus increases due to more damage done.
  5. I have noticed the same thing with atk bldgs as well. After you put up so many, your overall plunder actually decreases...not understanding why really.
  6. T6 is unique in one way that most did not notice. Ok yes plunder goes down for haunt,in the same way that plunder goes down for ambush if a gh upgrades a castle yore to strong for the eb. But the thing that's unique is t6 effect on pvp. If a t3,4,or t5 build and hit a target your size you make less and less as you upgrade if the target does not grow with you. But with T6 as you grow you make more and more hitting the same target even one much smaller. That is unique and makes growing more worthwhile in my opinion. 
  7. I have a hansel with t6 before this even was posted I was told don't upgrade them they lower plunder
  8. Go all spy build.
  9. farroh got it
  10. Well.
    TS, if you look deep enough. We, big hansels, have already pre warned all of you that it's a waste to upgrade t6 unless you have tonnes if gold.
    I vividly mentioned the drop in plunder and was prolly the first few to HFBC as hansel.
    Spend your gold on allies (although the market is monopolized at the moment), as it sure beats a full t6 upgrade.
  11. You just got more strong for hte making
    Your plunder go down

    Start doing tsg an ss

    Better idea : stop upgrading when u see plunder decreasing on hte
    Collect bulk of gold and spend all together....
  12. Meh. My plunder drops as well when I upgrade those elven temples...
  13. I have 16 lvl3 T6 and I didn't notice this drop you speak of. In fact I've never had a problem rolling the plunder in.
    Are we playing the same game?
    F. I. S. H. 
  14. fish you have not fully upgraded? Lol.
    Every upgrade drops plunder. Haha