I always leave enough gold out for someone to hit once. Then I sick the dogs on them, because I know they are open. :twisted: It's like leaving a cookie out for Santa Claus, then jumping his fat ass and stealing his presents. But, yes, anyone who attacks a hansel is a bad person. A very. bad. person.
I find it funny how people try to strongly suggest there is 1 right way of playing. If that was true then everyone would have the same build and follow the exact same fighting style
If you attack a hansel it doesn't make you a bad person this is kingdoms at war any build deserves a hit,but Phil you are right not really a smart thing to do in a OSW when you have actual attack builds to strip and get em pissed off only time a stip really hurts a hansel is in eb plunder.
The amount of people who attack pin my hansel alt in OSW, then post my wall to tell me how bad they're "owning" me is astounding. I have pennies out, with no adp, and I WANT my attack troops pinned. Continue your conquest mighty warrior . And thank you for forcing the non-noobs in your clan to have to scout bomb the troops I actually use.
i hate hansels, i cant touch pure or mostly spies but they can assassinate and steal the crap out of me when they have over 2mil cs and i dont even know who it is -_-
@ Booty I knowthathittingahanseldoesntmakeyouabadperson,Iwasmerelytryingtolightenthemoodbytellingaprettyobviousjoke.Clearlyyoudidnotunderstandmysarcasm,soIwillnow"sarcastically"strip downwhatyousaidtomakeyouseemunreasonableandsimultanouslysarcasticallymakefunofyour lackofspacingandpunctuation.
@ ppl tired of my making threads. Sorry If seeing my name in the forums is starting to give you hives. Please remember it is not that I make so many threads a day, my threads just get bumped a lot. Please also note that I always make threads that either deal with Kaw wars or strategy. It is not like I'm trying to do any Self promotion. The strategy if this game fascinates me, so I often want to discuss it with my fellow kawers, many of them who are much smarter and more knowledgeable about the game for me. This thread, for instance, is something I've been thinking about for a while, and I wondered if my fellow warriors agreed with me. It was interesting to see the positive feedback, but also interesting to read comments from snr , a Kaw veteran, who saw things a different way. In short, I hope ppl concentrate more on the thread than the poster, my only hope is to make Kaw more enjoyable for myself and all others. Cheers.