Discussion in 'Wars' started by *BHUlililili (01), Dec 28, 2012.

  1. Hey OP could you use your main and hit me please. My newsfeed has been empty for hours. And was only filled with 4 hits :c here is your link :) some kind of osw we have here

    Also could you thank your clan owner for being my personal osf? Ty :)
  2. I think the op, should allow me to hit them, for posting this rubbish... Got me all excited... Then bang!!! Fail in the face! I'm not happy :(
  3. Thank you for the failed steals :)

    You are the best PUREVENOM
  4. RIP bhu lol. Go HoG!

  5. First of All BHU is a great Clan composed of good people just like many other Clans. People that I have come to know, respect and love. I am not sure who this BHUlililili is. I really hope it is just an instigator and not a BHU member. But I do apologize for this forum. This is Between BHU and HoG and belittling postings are uncalled for. My apologies to HoG.
  6. I'm really gonna have to hop back in this?
  7. HoG will smash BHU. Go HoG

  8. Why do other clans do the smack talk when the clans who are actually fighting is being civil and respectful?
  9. I'm with C0ML3Y I thought this was going to be a great thread... But nope.
  10. OP is unjust in misrepresenting BHU who have always been a respectable and honourable clan in all they do. Mutual respect to both clans.

    Friend to BHU
  11. Just curious where's proof that the idiot OP is PureVenom? That's a serious accusation and imo shud have some proof. My 2¢
  12. Shade, for the what the comments suggest, is when they ask op to hit them with the OPs main, pure venom hits. Convenience maybe?
  13. And if it wasn't PV don't you think he would have said it wasn't him? Lol

    Herp derp
  14. If he of said it wasn't him, he would of been trying to lie?
  15. @oil if it wasn't PV he OBVIOUSLY wudnt post here as its a link :roll:
  16. Why be scared to leave links, if they got the name of your clan and also they got your name? Unless you want to run and hide.
  17. 'twas sarcasm my friend, 'twas sarcasm....
  18. ... For sarcasm, it seemed like you was pointing out a obvious point.
  19. I didn't say I was hoot at sarcasm now did I?