Erok freaked out at me when he was getting his ass handed to him by another person, and now he's starting **** with friends of mine at BH?! :lol:
MrBiscuit ur new build is sexy bro. I've never seen u post in the forums. Lol. Come over here n play Mr. B
Sure hope you off playing an alt and hope this isn't your main erok. Like I said only wanderer was more persistent than I am
Really? Idk. Just enjoying the rain. N waiting for the end of the world on the 21st I suppose. *roles eyes
Will- I believe this is what you are trying to do :roll: It has more effect when given in visual, or when spelled correctly.
You won't stop what? Getting pinned? U haven't hit me oncewell good i know you wont stop getting pinned because i wont stop pinning you. Maybe bring in some alts or something cuz as it is you lookin real pathetic