BH vs Res OSW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *BaM_BaM-_-Gigolo-llIllllIIIlIl (01), May 28, 2012.

  1. WHO is an actually clan lol.
  2. Kings broke cf with res not even 2 months old. Because of that dishonorable conduct we were forced to take radical actions to punish them for their pride...

    If the egomaniacal King Dodo were smart, he would unilaterally CF now and apologize to RCA et al in a public way. Unlike Kreuzritter and Urban Killers, he does not have a team- its him and his minions- and thats going to lead to a lot more pain on his end.

    Its also just a matter of time before Mouthy Blazey eventually isnt worth the pain the Kreutzritter/UK axis is going to endure. I think RCA is very cognizant how some of the new rules will play out in OSW and were literally willing to stay on this FOREVER.

    We are Resilient.
  3. Well said Whorn 
  4. you forgot to add you suck lmao
    I can understand, y'all concentrating on Kreuz, maybe lol maybe cos you can't even pin my alt for once and 48 inc throughout the war is impressive indeed! From all 8 clans who's concentrated on 80 people - you would think my alt will get some love, especially after giving out your gold in wc, but no. Only incoming I get is butt hurt Wampo trying to recoup the losses from my steals lol oh well, I opened her for you, I want some challenge and your 9 adp barely present any lol

    Btw, this is my main, aren't you going after mains?
    I mean, you say BH started it but you switch the targets? Awww. Must be because you can't do ****sounds like an excuse and does remind me last year..I wonder what excuse will be used to quit war this timesince you already quit fighting BH as previously mentioned by you Wamp
    Oh and you still being pinned both ways so don't say 'we' when you talk about hitting Kreuz lmao
  5. Oh and that ss is no evidence of anything lol it's there just to throw some thoughts, that's all
    Told you, I'd keep the good ones
  6. how did res get such a big mouth? You know if the old team was still kicking this forum thread wouldn't even exist What has become of kaw
  7. ROFL geez u speak alota  blazey. It's very entertaining reading ur smack talk posts thx again for the laugh
  8. I just really get annoyed with all these spies who talk trash, "post with your main" blah blah, if your main is a pure spy they always talk tough, their pure spies cuz thats the only way they can survive in the game. Stripped 5 times now in 2 weeks, but ill never run chicken and convert to a pure spy.
  9. Muahahahaha I'm glad u like it MDK, button line - smack talk is one of the most entertaining parts of OSW. Better than telling your self in ac how bad ass you are, too bad there isn't many to listen and no one to believe huh
    But don't you worry, we all laugh at Ali's ss daily and thank you for that. Just like that joke clan you created. I bet your cc was fun, filled with your own alts only lmao I'm still waiting for round 2 btw
    I'm wondering what stops y'all from stripping me? C'mon guys, you can do it! Nah you can't lmao
    Your useless 'fanily and friends' can't cause enough harm to be noticed - I still laugh at reports from kreuz: inc from '.....' 2 hrs ago - thought you concentrated on 80 people? I mean 8 clans on 80 would think their news will be flooded and go back to 10min maxguess BH aren't the only ones you quit fighting with
  10. Thanks for that little tid bit about you lyanna. That was very educational and enlightening . Idiot
  11. Blazey u meant family* right?
  12. Yea I think it's pretty clear what I meant, scuzme for typo lol
    Btw, please do hit me with your main
    Here is how strips on Lyanna goes: ok so we are done with this one, let me check activity on the the mean time y'all can play with Lyannayou think you worth the whole attention, don't you girl?
  13. Scuzme? Are u a teenage girl that can't spell to save ur life?
  14. Nah just messing around lol still waiting on your main to attack me
  15. Why would my main hit first u need to hire my ally I have better things to do then pin u  noobs never learn 
  16. Farmer, I've learned it's best not to speak with people who create their own worlds to live in. Its like arguing with children or the mentally challenged. In the end, there's no winner and all you've done is lost your time.
  17. As for trash talk from blazey and Alison, it's never anything original with the same old points brought up. Id have better luck hearing new jokes listening to an Arsenio Hall recording over and over again.
  18. As for this osw, the only entertaining thing about it has been mr biscuit constantly whining and saying he's quitting but being on all day obviously from the forum thread posts he's made since I took 12 hours away from kaw, showing that 6 hours isn't a big deal.
  19. 
  20. Saying pure spy that spends more time in forums than in this OSW Lol
    Of course it will be the same points cos you keep failing on same things

    Farmer, you shall try cos those 12 steals you sent my way within 2 days since you joined are kinda....nothing LOL

    Wamp, emoji seems more creative than your pic posts when it comes from youand definitely better than your one loooooong sentence posts lol punctuation helps FYI