[BH] The New Year: A Declaration Of War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Reid, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    16 URFs vs 70 BH....

    Good luck to both sides
  2. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    NA, YAFI, please do not derail this thread. Only warning. This is about URF vs BH. Not NA vs YAFI. ️
  3. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    I told him to take it to our thread mate. I have no intension of letting them ruin this thread with our war banter. I respect osw too much for that mate.

    Again best of luck to both clans in this osw.
  4. Thanks Rust
  5. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    Thank You

    Very fun osw ATM, good luck to both sides
  6. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    Word. It's a way for them to make it seem like were babies crying over spilled milk. He points out that the member isn't here. Yet we sent her away before we started the war. By several days. To ensure no one could claim she's a runner. The issue isn't that she was hit. It was one clan owner lying to his friend,another clan owner, about a broken cf on that friends member.
  7. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    Sky your information here is wrong. I was owner of black hand at the time. The cf to the person in question was given by extreme as he was a friend of yours not by Black hand council and definitely not by me.

    That being said good luck to both sides.

    Matty (Ex black hand council)
  8. Matty. Xtreme said he had went to you, by name, and gotten it approved by BH council. It was not done by him alone in a few minutes but done over the course of hours, and based on tz, over one day to the next. I would happily provide ss Of him mentioning going to you on that third party app. You know how to reach me there

    Since my issue was because he lied to me I will concede it's possible he lied there too. But he did tell me that your council had reached a decision. And he was a councilor representing BH at the timee
  9. I said no. Also that if any cf were to be voted in it would only be valid while she was in your clan.
  10. Do find it funny how she still not fighting her own battles.
  11. At the time it was broken she was in my clan, and we've been over why she's not here. Don't be such a broken record
  12. Think you will find my latest response more suitable.
  13. I'm sure Owwn appreciates you hitting BH targets. It shows far more intelligence then your record replies at least. Good for you
  14. No she was my target. You've since volunteered to take her place. So that makes you my target not bh.
  15. Whatever makes you feel like more of a man Matty. Just makes you wonder why it was an ex owner of BH couldn't stay away from a war against his old clan without interfering. Do you doubt their abilities without you leading them
  16. Talk through NF or PM - This thread is for URF vs BH, not ex-BH trash talking time

    Happy KaWing ! :)
  17. It's just a game guys, chill
  18. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    The color is *** -,-
  19. Fool, kaw is life