[BH] The New Year: A Declaration Of War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Reid, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    :roll: just hit each other and stop jawing. Just post who wins at the end or whatever
  2. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    I wanna win
  3. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    stop trying wormie
  4. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    So says the naked hansel
  5. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    Naked? I prefer to call it selective clothing.
  6. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    A tiny spy.
  7. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    Get glasses. I can read it perfectly fine, stop complaining, and to be honest I didn't even read your "BBcode Guide" as it was probably just a rip of version of the real one.
  8. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    well written decleration of war. Opeing with a strip and then posting a forum decleration is common practice. Ive fought ppl from both sides and there is plenty of seasoned warriors. Will be interesting. Good luck to both sides. I applaud anyone for going to war and playing real kaw. Have fun and merry stripping.
  9. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    The only thing that grinds my gears is people getting whiny about threads like this. I wish this was all I saw in AT. Strip here. War here. Challenge there. Threads like this are the bread and butter that made me addicted to kaw in the first place. Support for a well presented, well written and documented war thread.

    I thank you for making kaw a continuation of the great game that brought me here in the first place.
  10. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    Since no one can read
  11. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    Good thread, well done op! Urf is a great clan in my opinion, although small they can really do some damage in strips, anyway gl to urf against bh. Happy New Years!
  12. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    Wish u guys luck in an engaging OSW.

    Hope none of the clans behave like NA, No Action, talk big about OSW but pins heavily on EB, something more and more people are realising after NA continues to target and threaten targets they track wrongly
  13. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

  14. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    That black though...
  15. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    It's not black? It's Grey..
  16. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    To be fair, they are way outnumbered. This might be the biggest outsized osw in history.
  17. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    Yes I'm a try hard for actually making some sense and not dribbling over a attempt to make a difference and get noticed. But do enlighten us how you justify how that member is all great and mighty you decide to fight another one of her battles?

    But I do see how she's a member since the clan she ran away to for hte (apparently not a war runner while running to do hte during osw) is now classed as perm there.
  18. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    NA is still here, tell me again though. What happened to the legendary clan of ___Judgment___? Or ya__grom__fi for that matter. Oh that's right, strip to inactivity.

    Nice try mate. Want to throw stabs at New Age, feel free to do so in our osw thread mate.
  19. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    From what I read, something to do with a broken cf and lying to him about it and doing all this while they were in a war already. That would make it a clan issue, wouldn't it?

    I don't know why people get so obsessed over the player in question.
  20. Re: The New Year: A Declaration Of War

    By the way. Support to both clans! Keeping osw alive one conflict at a time, may the most resolve side win!