[BH] The New Year: A Declaration Of War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Reid, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. Little bump. Because why not
  2. So the DEVS have jumped in to do what BH could not. Finally shut -ogreatone- up. Perm silenced for threatening families in real life. His crony dark knight on his wall perm silenced for trolling and posting information on other players without their permission (thank goodness address he was giving is an old one). Time for good folk in KAW to rally together and hit these lower life forms out of the game
  3. Sky why bump this, you didn't exactly beat down black hand like you said you would now did you?
  4. Sky's bump was from back in January right after war started, hun. The current bump was done by the puppy guy
  5. Sky did do a bump Hotty, last post before him was 4 days.

    How the hell I miss this :shock: I may not show it but I do show the occasional strand of intelligence, once in a while. I hope so anyways :? :lol:
  6. RIP rebel alliance. RIP Sparta. RIP URF.
    This war is over since their two clans and alliance got smashed, crashed and burned. Please lock this Thread.
  7. First. Shame on random guy bumping
    Second. Wolfie did you really post on a five month old thread to complain about a bump from five months ago. A little hypocritical
    Third. No one got crushed (except maybe sparta. But they were not the same) the war "emded" when bh got into another war and it's council said it wasn't at war with the rebels. Refusing to give Inc and them having another target and saying no war meant we moved on. The fact that someone like yourself jenni would claim ant different is laughable

    And fourth. As you are not the op, nor do you have any my sway over the op to demand a lock for the basis you suggested, you should probably hop off that special horse of yours.

    As someone from the group, please have the thread locked for a necro bump on a topic that has been hashed out and has no more purpose
  8. Okay, Butthurt noob we stomped on. TL:DR But enter my feed if you want another ass beating, Noob.
    I like your banner, after we beat your ass, Your alliances ass, your two failed clan attempts, you going rouge, Eh? :D
  9. I've had the banner uo for something close to 9 months now. So it's a good notice, and the last 3 times I was in your news feed. The return Inc I got all came from other people. That's always your fallback. You didn't stomp anyone. Your clan didn't stomp anyone
  11. ok, that whole quoting thing got messed up lol...anyway, no need to throw a RIP at the Rebels, they are alive and well