[BH] The New Year: A Declaration Of War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Reid, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. Soooo many noob statements, such little knowledge. 
  2. If you find that to be the topic, I highly suggest you repeat grades 1-12. Maybe along the line you'll pick up some helpful tips for understanding big words. I'd hope that someone in such a prestigious clan as yours would be able to comprehend the simple topic of a thread. Maybe you need a break along with chubby and Larry so you may better understand 
  3. This just gets worse the more you read.
    The main thing i cant figure out though, is why Matty gets to have all the booze and doesn't share. Bang out of order.
  4. I hardly think they have the balls to keep 1trill out in one account alone. I know I wouldn't in a osw... But if that's what they have spread out arcoss several accounts. It's not really a trill just chump changed which can't be piled together in one account. Be next to useless if they wanna strip a trill ally.

    But way I see it if they bank that supposed 1 trill they'll lose 25% of it making it 750bil and if they are leaving it out, it's gonna get drained away slowly.
  5. Who are blackhand??
  6. Hey extreme we can be class mates if I go back high school and we can both cry over the forums together
  7.  I never took you as someone who doesn't know what they are talkin about. Keeping 1T out is nothing. I've had 1T out on my hansels while in osw. However, I am sure sky's clan banks are not sitting inside the clan with 1T out. Which basically makes what you said useless. As it is likely in fact sitting out (no loss from bankin bars) and likely not in his clan (so no dwindling away).

    Come on now wolf. Think logically. Sky may not be big, but he isn't stupid. He's been around longer than you and his war history is reason for his stats. While everyone in his clan may not be very smart, sky is.

    Sky is also used to fighting in small groups. I've only seen him fight inside a full roster a few times and that was when LSA was at Zerg. Mostly he fights with a small group of people and finds bigger clans. Will he beat BH? Probably not. They are bigger and while they aren't the best war clan anymore, they are still a war clan. Which means nobody is gonna run. And due to the size of sky's clan, BH can just run hte all day. Eventually I think BH will get tired of the ordeal and have a mutual cf.

    In which case there is a cf, sky will consider it a victory due to xtremes promise of not cf'ing until sky surrenders and disbands or whatever else he said.

    Good luck to everyone. 
  8. Xtreme. Wolfie

    Several different times the banking situation has been explained In as much detail as is needed to make even an idiot understand while avoiding telling you how much is on any particular account or where to find it.

    The inability of the two of you to grasp it is obviously bull. You're instead saying it in the hopes that some other idiots will believe you when you both know it's untrue. You maybe right. There are idiots who will believe you without any logic proof or support to your arguments. But you forget that leading an army of idiots gets you no where. The fact is anyone with any intelligence or understanding of game mechs can see this game your attempting. And even If they hate me. They know I'm right. You can't win logically. You can't outsmart us. You're trying to gather the stupid support but that never worked for you in the past and it won't work here. You can't farm or strip us into submission. And we've got the funds and just enough people to be a pain in your ass for a long time. Until we decide not to be actually. And there's nothing you can do about it
  9. Absolutely nothing I can do about. You're right. Your one hope is that you'll bore us to death. If that's your plan of attack 

    Sky I've not doubted your size, your knowledge, etc. I know you've been around a while and know what you're doing. I just doubt your thought process going in to this war.
  11. There is a lot of truth to that last statement. This is not a war meant to be won. Or done logically. It's because of a reason, and very rarely do I have reasons I actually take personally. And pup. You're all too right. I expect a mutual cf. my initial guess was four months. I know my guys will last. And we'll be hitting. So I figure in four months when everyone's past their anger at what's been said and when were all just fighting the war to refuse to lose I'm sure many of us will remember how long we've been friends and work it out. I may be of by months here or there. But the fact remains that anything short of my reset or urf disbanding means we entered a war against a larger experienced war clan and came out ahead of what they expected. And they won get any terms better then mutual so it'll mean we tied. You can say it's out of boredom or whatever other reasons. But the fact is when there is a cf. it'll be because I'm to stubborn to beat and the cost to try outweighed the benefits
  12. You say you'll still be hitting. Can you get your guys to start.

    Fork I will always have a chilled beer ready for you mate just no touching my vodka.
  13. Matty. Join BH. Then we'll consider letting you be a secondary target
  14. How many strips have your clan pulled off???

    Why would I move back so I can get no incoming there either. As you've already admitted I'm doing more than them yet as an experienced osw you've still not taken moves to stop me.  brilliant tic tacs. Is it the talk a lot of  in forums because I've not seen you do anything else.
  15. Day 5? 6? I'm not sure
    Anyways, I would like to give a round of applause for want Black Hand has done so far during the osw. Not sure about others, but have surely kept me pinned well
    Honorable Mentions:
    1. Garfield
    2. Erdalio
    3. Xtreme
    4. Orukun
    5. Mech
    6. Kap
    7. Joy
    8. Diamond

    Those 8 have certainly been giving me the most inc. good luck to all in OsW, and keep on having fun

    Shout out to Matty. Cool Dude(in pm)
  16. Get off forums..

    Reported to BH council
  17. Ok
  18. I have been requested by black hand to ask any of urf who you are targeting because they are all lacking incoming as well.
  19. Xtreme is a well known liar so that claim doesn't surprise me