[BH] The New Year: A Declaration Of War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Reid, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. I never said it was a random buy. As you do not know how many accounts I have (more than 4 btw) you couldn't say what I done.
  2. no idea who hired it from you=random buy

    And you're right. So you have 100 accounts? Or is it ten that ran ten xtals each. You forget this
    If you have less then twenty that unloaded you needed xtals. To purchase xtals is more expensive per xtals smaller quantities. So more accounts would actually cost more to run enough xtals to do it. That $90 estimate is assuming you buy them in bulk and that's the cost of it. It's about average cost. If you ran five per account on twenty accounts to get the 100 bars yous be spending $100.

    No scenario in which you are telling the truth is a win. Either you admit you lied and didn't clear it alone. Or at all. Or you admit you spent enough real life money that the 30b loss looks like nothing, as comparably that's like 15 seals, far more then 30b worth of gold
  3. Asked wc to buy = not random
  4. Maybe very unlucky for whoever it was that did hire from me. But still means hayl3 lost as well.
  5. It's incredibly unlikely that you found a random in wc with less then 3 posts asking for an ally hire who would hire an obvious inactive reset bomb

    And dont say how do I know how many posts. The ally was moved less then five minutes after strip.

    Not to mention you admitting to pm with haley that you got the funds by scanning wc. That means you'd already been in wc using speakers to get gold. Just makes your story less lijely
  6. 3posts to scam an allie was all it took had other offers before whoever brought. Plus how's it an obvious bomb when it had better than start stats was in my allie list not haye3 when it was hired from me.
  7. I didn't get the funds scamming I have the funds I just got rid of what I knew was an obvious bomb.
  8. Just to let you know it takes 300 full bars to clear out an account completely. Which is impossible for you to have done Matty. So just stay quiet or admit you lied. It's amazing how little you know. No wonder BH are doing better without you there.
    Although, BH are still noobs.
  9. You guys are total twits lol.

    Attacking someone who is close to dtw for you takes .9% per atk and .3% per steal.

    Attack strips can wreck someone in 4-6 hours disregarding steals. Even faster if they run unholy aura.

    Who the **** just steals a strip?
  10. This is quite entertaining.
  11. Genocide. Matty is quite a big bigger then kid. He's taking less then that per action.

    Why don't you look into his claims before you back him up. He's not your clan owner anymore. You don't need to blindly follow his stupid claims
  12. Matty also isn't my only account as I have stated. Infact I only carried out a few bars from this account.
  13. And Rebel you do a lot of talking maybe if you shut your mouth and pressed the attack buttons instead you could carryout a strip.
  14. Perhaps you should apply the same logic to yourself.
  15. Careful bro. They might strip you with their 1T in funds. Actually it's only 900b, 50b loss on 20k from unbanking. But they're getting there! Then once they have the funds.. They'll clean out their strip with maximum efficiency. Just you wait
  16. Take this discussion back to pimd please
  17. Please remain on topic. 
  18. Hmm. Where'd you get 20k

    I think the personal bank of 1 member who doesn't eb often being more then your guess for the entire clan proves your guesses as to our funds are faulty. That said obviously I didn't give away info on anyone else. The fact you continue to act as if no one in the clan has any money besides me is ridiculous. But we'll ignore that

    Matty. I think I saw rebel show the math. And I know for a fact you have less then twenty accounts that you ran bars with. In fact. I'm willing to bet the number at no more then 6 which hit. Run full Xtals on all of them. Unload troops for all of those (impossible. But let's give you the benefit of the doubt and assume he never went dtw to that many attacks) you still didn't clear the strip. But now you've admitted to not using full bars on this account. I find it unlike you totaled over 50 bars on your 30b solo strip that you cleared. And that's converting an attack into 4 steals based on approximate gold taken.
    Not to mention size difference. Kid is small. Like 3mcs hansel. You don't take as much per action as you would on me. And even less then I would on you.

    You could not possibly have done as you claimed. In fact just to hit the generous 50 bars worth of actions you had to spend a decent bit on Xtals. And since at his size you make 30b on a seal easy, not even at a HTe clan just that eb. And you spent enough for several seals. You lost, and he didn't. By your own logic on Haley losing because she banked in bronze bars

    Oh. And here's the kicker X. I'm using what Rebel said. You accused him if blindly following me after he said you did to Matty. Yet here I am willing to blindly follow my members. I trust them to be correct. Something you can't say
  19. I still find the thread title funny. "Declaration of War"

    War 
  20. I am on topic noob. I am commenting on the discussion 