1. note your cs bonus to allies(this should say owner) is 1/50th your build strength
  2. Then add total bfa to your build strenght and divide by 50, whats the difference?
  3. No
    You add bfa to your build strength only for you. It does not add to bonus to allies/owner
  4. Ofc it doesnt, who said that that?
  5. All 7 of my accounts
  6. If you want a 900k+ cs stat boost you should drop down 4T and buy me...oh wait, that would be a terrible use of 4T to boost your power.

    Nevermind...nothing to see here
  7. If im right or wrong, i dont care. Its close enough of a calculation for me.
  8. BFA has got to be insane nowadays to make any difference..maybe top 200..why waste any gold on bfa if youre not bc anyways? if you "pvp" it will eventually get stripped ..cant strip lands and buildings
  9. superior point
  10. BFA - Your allies raw cs stats r divided by 2% already on your profile.
    Eg if I'm 1 trillion raw stats cs owner gets 20m
    Profiles show all stats but Ops only see BTA
    What u see is what u get from allies
  11. If no one had allies pvp wouldn't be as fun though.
  12. Soooo tru lol
  13. So how do u explain spy bfa? U can have 5T in spy bfa wich takes u up lb top 500....but wen ur 5T in attack bfa, ur like lb top 2k....how does that work out?
  14. cause you are basing it on the gold they have in allies, not the stats the allies have.