bfa jumping

Discussion in 'Wars' started by UrFnN1T3m4r3, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. some points to be made.

    1. Locking upgrades affected individual kingdoms in EE, the ally market is KaW wide and everything doesn't make way for EE its a part of the game not the game.

    2. Could just be there ally was hired and they hired back it happens.

    3. Its not really an exploit trill (which is the amount needed to make a difference) is an awful lot of time and (or) money wasted for it to be an exploit. Equipment and pots factor more than BFA.
  2. It can be easily fixed by the devs if they don't allow anyone to buy allies after match ups
  3. This isnt a exploit more like good use of resources nothing is broke here fail to see what the point of this thread is. You lost learn from how you lost and come back stronger.
  4. Nicley said destruction.
  5. Although i do think there are certain flawes in the ee and bfa is a big part along with other factors that need adressing
  6. OP is a class A Ra-Tard.
  7. Kos_lucifer please dont tell me wht to do n wht not
    devs made d matchups n she is talking abt our team she is nt talking abt an individual
  8. Look at all the vulgar things K.o.S members are posting... on Page 10 the owner of their clan is trying to insult a member of Amun_Ra, if that's what they have for a clan owner then I'm not surprised they have been doing exceptionally badly in their recent wars.

    The fact the owner can not control VeiledAssassin and does nothing about a forum post that expresses false allegations and lies also shows their lack of control over their members and disorganisation, I would love to see what their CC was like during their war with Amun_Ra... I imagine lots of swearing every time their sorry asses got KO'd and random rants about how Amun_Ra won it by exploits when it was an altogether fair matchup.

    You K.o.S members are too funny, whats next? Claiming every clan you lost to hacked in to KAW and made themselves invincible? :roll: Just accept that you suck and revert back to EB's.. its for the best.. honestly
  9. Support for Allie purchases being disabled at matchup.
  10. U can't disable ally purchases or people would get stuck with tons of gold out b/c someone bought their ally 10 secs b4 lock.
  11. I feel like all those in favor of locking the ability to buy allies after the match up, are going to be the same ones complaining that you couldn't stash away your money when someone bought an ally from you at the last moment, and you lose a huge chunk during the war. No one wants to buy 200 bil or more worth of pots right before the war. allies are the best course of action and if someone is spending money so that they can make this a big advantage for them do you really think the devs are going to put a stop to it? They don't like biting the hand that feeds them. Have you not noticed everything new has been geared toward xtal use?
  12. easy solution which will hate big ppl = In ee-wars do BFA affect stats lower....
  13. Why is everyone's solution to make the powerful weaker? There is a solution already. It is become more powerful yourself!

    How can you say that match ups would be more fair if you lowered the stats of those that are more powerful? How is that fair to them? I am by no means large but the idea to punish the people who stuck with this game for years to be on the top of the leader-boards shouldn't be punished for those that haven't.
  14. The issue is getting confused here, and Ra-Amun should never have been mentioned in Op - they are a solid clan with great builds.

    Nubs trying to confuse the issue with small ally banking, shut your pie holes, we know you are the ones jumping.

    If bfa doesn't matter then why did match ups get better when this was tweaked? If you really believe it, take a run at an LB player. See how that works for you.

    What we are discussing is using alts/banks to buy up huge bfa prematch up and buying back after match up. I just want to war as matched and have a competitive war that we may or may not win.
  15. @ phen I don't want to make anyone weaker for war. These people have worked hard to accumulate their bfa/build/stats. I want the ability to adjust these number pre/post match up removed.
  16. Lord_kc has best idea but just make it to where your bfa locks right when matchups are trying to be found.
  17. Op. this is a war game. If you cry about this you may as well go whole hog and say all guys should be exact same stats. Same bfa. Same eq. And so on. Your a joke. Strategy is what makes the EE wars great and getting the better of each other no matter what is thrown at you.
    Wake up and ******* suck it up. Use tactics to take opponents out. Not cry about them on forums. Guys like you are ruining the EE wars.
  18. Lol! Amun_ra is a great clan.:) even if they have cebu runners there.
  19. I may have not been in this war, but I am in most wars, and I WILL speak up when someone is attacking the honor of my clan. Kos_kaladin was on my wall calling us dishonorable cheaters, so that's how I got involved. And what is so funny, is NO ONE DROPPED ALLIES. I love Eradicators posts couldn't have been said better.
  20. Let’s be honest on this subject. The BFA issue is real, and needs to be managed. It’s absolutely necessary to include BFA in matchups, I don’t think any reasonable and experienced player disagrees with that. That being said I’m talking about matching BFA, the effect of BFA changes after matchup are less significant assuming BFA was close at matchup. This thread is mixing these two different but related issues.
    Note that I have personally seen large players jump up in clan rank 5 or 6 spots. If several do this it is likely to make a difference, but not sure it’s that big.
    On the issue of trying to match BFA - we’ve have had some matchups where we were never going to win, with opposition having several people in the top 200 lb for ally strength and us with just one in the low 400s. And I’m sure there are those saying the same has happening to them when they have fought us, so I’m not complaining just stating my view. That’s all fine as long as there are improvements in matchup process based on feedback like this.
    That’s BFA, although build types, number of actives and strategy all play a role. But BFA plays a huge role as it impacts the troops and spies being burned per hit, and greatly impacts strength coming out of KO. Match ups also need to consider the mix of builds in a clan. One clan with one 11m CS hansels is always going to struggle against an opposition with five of the same. All other parameters being equal, no matter how well you scout bomb and so on, you are going to struggle.
    And the comments earlier I this thread about having an ally bought after matchup – of course warring players will buy back or buy another ally, what the hell do you expect them to do?!?
    In saying the above, I personally don’t have an issue with the locking of ally trades with players before and during the war, preventing BFA being changing after matchup and for one other reason I’m about to state - it also prevents an ally being stripped during the system (ee) war. These are not OSWs that require different strategies that are typically played out over a much longer period, but system wars designed to reasonably match opponents and then see which clan has the best strategy to use its resources most effectively to win over a short and intense time frame.
    I haven’t seen deliberate stripping as yet (like there was in the most recent ASW), but I have seen large allies bought (not stripped by opposition) during these ee wars. Stripping an allies from the opposition clan’s 2-3 biggest hitters when they are just coming out of SKO / KO, or when they are up and your team crystals, is surely going to prevent them from carrying out their planned actions. They’ll probably be in a mad panic, trying to find an ally to buy to cover the money out, and this is likely to influence the final war result. This is likely to have a bigger impact on the war result than bumping BFA in my humble opinion. Some will argue that tactic is fair enough as well.
    So thinking this through, you lock BFA just before matchup, say 15 minutes to half an hour. This would not cause a problem and the time before war after matchup could be reduced to 1:45 rather than the current 2 hours, not impacting on the war schedule. There could be a system block such that that allies cannot be bought OR sold just before or during system wars.
    So for those saying this is an issue, I believe this would resolve the BFA bump problem. For those saying it is not an issue, there can be no complaints as this proposal is not unfair in any way, it just means that ally trading cannot be conducted for the period just before and during the ee war. Big deal – NOT.
    One other comment I read earlier here or elsewhere – if BFA is preventing matchups, surely devs can ask the admins in the clans with too high BFA to sit one or two members out. Those members would get a full mith refund and then some extra mith as consolation.
    Asking clans with too low BFA compared to others they could be matched against to increase their BFA doesn’t work – it takes ages to build an ally base and by then the rastoc season is over. If there is one clan way stronger than others based on BFA then that is an issue this suggestion does not resolve.
    Sorry for the length of this thread – it is an important topic and I wanted to cover the different aspects properly.