bfa jumping

Discussion in 'Wars' started by UrFnN1T3m4r3, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. U just wait till u fight a clan that buys a chit ton of bfa after match up and see how u like it kozmo
  2. Lol we have fought them, difference is I didn't come make a forum post crying about it, it's part of the game if you can't deal with it stick to killing skeletons
  3. Lmao but looking at your war history seems like you should just stick to ebs
  4. Butthert alert.

    This is a legit tactic, if they want to waste 100s of billions each war, that is what they should be allowed to do.

    Nothing is stopping you from dropping allies, then rebuying. It shows who is really dedicated in war...

  5. Lol. OP which dude jumped bfa?
  6. :roll:
    Waiting to hire allies after match up, is a definite exploit!
    It isn't fair to the smaller clan and makes for a bad war experience.
    If he doesn't "cry" /bring it out here, where else is he supposed to do it?
  7. Lol BH Exe you criticising your own leader who wars with Amun_Ra is absolutely priceless
    But on a more serious note I've our Alliance on 1 side (Amun_Ra) and friends on the otherside (K.o.S) And I understand K.o.s frustration but to call Amun_Ra cheaters is a bit much they haven't broken any rules and there is also no reason why K.o.s or any other clan in Kaw can't repeat this tactic,
    whether I agree with it or not doesn't really matter my point is until Devs say otherwise Amun_Ra haven't broken any rules and didn't cheat IMO.
  8. It is not an exploit... If I have 200b out after roster lock wtf do you expect me to do with it? I'm gonna hire an ally every time... Just because they wait till after the lock to hire doesn't mean ****, nobody is stopping you from doing the same. Now if you are suggesting they are dropping allies before the war and re hiring after that's just plan stupid why would you waste 100's of billions just to beat a clan they would have beat with their eyes closed? All they do is bank money in allies that their alts are holding
  9. Kozmo u need to shut up. If u want to use these cheap tactics maybe u should osw instead of sw ??
  10. Lol how is it cheap tactics you suggesting I should war with 200b out.... Stfu
  11. @ wamp I am not critisising the clan I'm critisising anyone that does this cheap tactic to win a war I am no way taking a side I'm just putting my opinion across
  12. Just lock out all ally sales/hiring for warring members at roster lock, and there will be no question of what is going on. Clans should get even matches.
  13. Considering BFA makes up 0.2% you would lose trills not a cheap tactic at all. you probably came across the exeption not the rule. 
  14. Every clan deserves a decent match up, or close to it.

    Got 200b out?
    Disable ally sales/hires x mins before a match up.
    So you can bank, and a clan cant BFA jump after match ups.
  15. The original post is BS and lies, Amun_Ra do not drop allies before and rehire after match up or exploit the system in any way shape or form. You have no proof of any Amun_Ra members dropping allies in advance, and so what if people hire allies after matchup... Can you say none of your clans members hired allies to bank gold during war? No.

    VeiledAssassin, I am amazed at your ignorance and that you have the audacity to call Amun_Ra the most dishonorable clan you have ever seen, you have brought shame both to yourself and your clan by posting such pathetic lies. Get over the fact you were beaten and move on. Amun_Ra's war record speaks for itself, think you're just a bit butthurt that you cant hit guild hansels, you got 0 KO's all war and you barely got 300m plunder. :lol:
  16. Disabling allie match up means a 25% loss if an ally is hired (open market) which isn't fair. A better way will be too discourage dropping by making a -75/50% loss for a dropped ally which will make the practice ridiculously expensive and means you can't drop unless you got enough gold out?
  17. It isn't just dropping allies .. U can buy allies off urself with a bank and then rehire later .. But all is besides they never "cheated" and weren't dishonorable .. They played within the system allows .. Just something the devs should look into
  18. The original post is a lie. Thanks to everyone defending Amun_Ra, but we have never exploited this tactic. Those of you who believe it, rant away about how "Amun_Ra are so cheap and use dirty tactics" to your hearts content.

    VeiledAssassin, you are a fool. But well done on writing a forum post to take your anger out about your inability to hit guild hansels, you're soo classy 