bfa jumping

Discussion in 'Wars' started by UrFnN1T3m4r3, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Also the allies u mentioned were not hired during matchup i dont understand ur point here :/
  2. Thread created by a sore loser that obviously does not understand dynamics of war match up and BFA and towers. Tisk Tisk Tisk...I smell nothing here but a big fat pile of noob rage.
  3. Lol this is kinda fun! Hope to see you in future wars   love you
  4. I don't know, I missed 1st hour of war prep on this one. So I didn't see how much members moved. I do feel it is very unlikely we would have been matched with you if vont had full allies at match up. You all have solid builds, there was no soft builds to carry the lb players.
  5. No disrespect to KoS who fought a hard long war...but do NOT call talent, skill, and organization cheating because you lost and disrespect my clan and team.
  6. Ty k2 enough said,respect my family!!
  7. It's going to be ok... Everyone knows cheaters prosper... :b
  8. Plz stop this. We know u all r gd fighters n yes u used the system. Gd Job. But bfa needs to be addressed if gonna keep match up fair n even.
  9. This entire discussion is about locking bfa at match up. Seal up the exploit, and let the wars be evenly matched.
  10. These guys are crybabies,thier clan roster changed just before war started aswell, the 9&10 players with that being said,either they did same thing buyinng a allie, or game had a glitch. isnt that the pot calling kettle black
  11. He said she said... I know the truth... Cheaters!
  12. @k2 it was a good war, you guys have great builds and are very organized. I don't think your clan should have been named in this thread. I do believe a few of your clan mates dropped allies before match up and bought afterwards, but not to the degree we have seen in previous match ups. We are frustrated, two previous wars we watched the clan roster jump like mad after match ups.

    PS - much respect for not hiding behind a barcode name
  13. Barcode is one with jb in banner look hard enough you will find it
  14. Please find it
  15. @anonymous bar code, I am not sure what you are asking for??? I enjoy the social aspect of the game and a lively cc. I don't have time to hunt through all the lllANUM RAlll to find the special one
  16. To be honest ee wars should be based on skill and stratgey not how much gold u have to buy bfa after u have ur matchups. Devs need to address this problem bc it takes the fun out of wars IMO. If u can't win when people cheat why war. Devs could lose alot of money bc of this just my opnion 
  17. If I would've been stuck with 50b when one of my allies was hired during war I certainly would've been pissed, others would have been even more annoyed if over 500b allies or something were hired.
  18. Stop trolling this thread if u find u need to cheat and build ur bfa after lock then maybe ur not as good at wars as u like to think ... why else would u do this ? Scared of finding a clan that will match u in bfa ? U don't have my respect if u do this. Respect to k.o.s for raising this point
  19. Lol what a joke qui crying because you lost, if devs stop active war members from hiring after roster lock what's to stop me from stripping a bunch of enemies with my alts? Learn to war and quit crying
  20. ^ Disable ally sales during EE wars?
    Can't be a stripped by those alts, or hire any.