bfa jumping

Discussion in 'Wars' started by UrFnN1T3m4r3, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Lol these guys are leader boarders they nob out the butt they can just start over with new allies later
  2. Perhaps they could lock your BFA in at the time of matchup, no matter what allies you purchase after, your BFA stays the same?

    I'm not sure how hard that would be to make happen, but it does sound like a dirty tactic that sound be fixed in some way.
  3. Even if they blow real life out their ass the nob buying limit prevents this from happening on such a large scale.
  4. I missed the word "money" in my post and I can't be assed to go on a comp and change it.
  5. Joker, I don't think you guys r losing because of BFA bro
  6. Lol we couldn't hit top 5or 6 from full bars period
  7. @op- lol I dont anybody cares if you dont war or not. Stop whining on forums about it.
  8. Von is 111 on lb for allies no one in our side is even close to that ... Let alone most of the people in war added together ... Not to mention the rest of the top guys ... They all moved several times after match up
  9. Os-ace even admits to buy 300-500 bil in allies after match ups
  10. Now that sounded butt hurt... Congrats on amun_ra for the spanking!
    And sorry guy but Ze_Yu has a much nicer equipment than urs and hardly any bfa. U fail on equipment not bfa
  11. I agree it is cheap but it's also a strategy.
    One the devs should probably look into as an exploit. It undermines the work they do to start the matches on a level playing field.

    •A def/att BFA of 2.5million more or less nullifies the first 6 sets of pots. Except BFA is constant and doesn't get burned. Huge advantage.

    It is all basic math but as far as amount of gold lost to do this drop and hire aftet matchup thing.. wow.
    i say just let em have it lol. What a joke.
    If they have saved enough to buy one after matchup.. They should only have the choice of hiring allies off the enemy or team mates active in war(?).

    Two possible solutions.

    • One way to "fix" this is to lock the ability for anyone to hire allies from players outside of the Ewar.
    Allies can only be hired from the enemy and Taking allies in war is part of war. It weakens the enemy in real time and makes you stronger. This dynamic would be fun.(yes)

    •Devs could step it up a notch and monitor the numbers which they can see. Set specific rules for the competition maybe. "Cheaters" would be disqualified. :\(naaaa)

  12. Hmmm... I say bfa locks after matchup. Nice and easy, not complicated, solves the problem
  13. Should be dealt with same as not being able to ug after matchup is set.
  14. Would solve the issue for me ....and while equip is important doesn't make u fair a full bar on someone ur own stats ... Or even smaller stats no equip is that big ...
  15. The real solution is to strip bfa jumpers and clan members of mith and mith equipment. The entire duration of the trials to date has been plagued with exploit attempts. War as matched or don't war.
  16. And my clan is full of great fighters 90% of which were home grown in a fair fight I'd put them up against anyone ... It just banging our heads against stacked clans using end arounds to get easier wars while the devs let it happen is starting to pev me off .... First week after bfa matching we had some of the greatest wars possible some wins some looses .. But all great fights all both clans had a chance ... Last 2-3 we were beat before the first troop was thrown and my guys don't deserve it .. They worked to hard on learning and fixing builds to keep having the same issues pop up
  17. u are pathetic and now showing that to all of kaw.strategy has been part of war since day one, grow up or quit playing the game crybaby
  18. Fact is we didnt hire over 1.2t in allies...and that was only our top players (not enough to change match up) that being said hiring one or even 2 HCBC allies does not increase ur bfa exponentially enough to change match up...u didnt have the big allie monger players we had and thats not our it true we hire allies? Yes...did we all hire allies? No...did the allies we hire from our clannies so we didnt have $ out during war change the bfa enough to make any of our members unbeatable? No
  19. Buying a win is strategy?? Is paying for companionship true love too
  20. We won because of towers ... Look into them maybe you will win more wars. One person bought an 18 b ally to bank money, these accusations are absurd and you should be ashamed of yourself.