Indi wars makes it a even match. If you want to take out the big bfa lb out would you think to get other players with good bfa to take them out. I do like the idea troll, would like to see it happen but i see pros and cons to this to may consider.
The Pros..make it so ALL can war fairly The Cons..lopsided rosters til changes Summary: IWar needs new Trials Solution: implement ideas from war pros Result: test data released n implemented with a select group of KaWers in the loop. Many longtime Vets r around to help advise n evolve warring to better n bigger heights for all.
Nighthawk - you are getting input from top ten lb and input is same as previous thread and simply put no
I have no input from top 10 n no clue how much bfa they have. I Only no its incredibly high. I'm just interested in warring n tossing out ideas. If it is relevant or not idk. Lastly this thread is about IWar n i do want to see clan wars come back strong as well
I think to have the top 10 as cap is way to high. I think the cap mark should be at the 100lb spot. This will improve and make wars more even. If you have 10 top 100 war then it would come down to the 10 top 100s build not who they can smash there way through. This would make it were the team with the better strategy and build instead of who got the better lb decide the war.
Couldn't redstar just do round wars with 14 statless on his side and 1v15 war clans since statless cant leak?
With the exception of sunday mornings (the dev manning that time slot is useless) the devs wouldn't give a Redstar with 14 statless accounts a matchup. And since your ee doesn't renew for no matches anymore it would be pointless for him to try it more than once a week.
How about the devs just get it right ๎ capping isn't required if only they understood the game mechs and strategies to understand without hit restrictions a top ten lb doesn't equate to 5 lb lol if he att they still only have 26-28 att same as others and will only get a few assassinations in before they are zero by the smallest stat players. It's not rocket science
Noobs I tell you. Full support, take imf he generally wins by himself, but the opposite team is usually stacked pretty high. Nevertheless a cap needs to be made, on the sole fact no one can hit top people except top people.
Bump again this is something indi war needs. Rub this in the devs face as much as it takes. I would like to suggest leveling the top 50lb players bfa to open matches and let them war as freely as the rest of us. And top 50 being capped affects 50 players vs how many? But I would like to hear from them personally and their thoughts.
Something I have been stating since season 2 or 3. Its long overdue, even to be run as a test period to ascertain if it makes an impact on the matching algorithm.
Why - the top few lb don't want a cap. Read previous forum posts on this. We have asked for tiers as a test.