BFA Cap needed in indy wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Davey_Jones, Feb 12, 2015.

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  1. TROLL is onto somethin. If EE is gonna get over problems n hurdles somethin has to give.
    I like Tiers but its problematic also but BFA is the real problem n discourages reliable n fair match ups. Its all luck who is placed on which side n determines war outcomes before they start. TROLLS knowledge n experience is worth listening to n would be nice if the devs try implementing his ideas. At least a trial is in order. IMO there r many warriors available if war can be improved. IWars r a good breeding n training ground but the next step is missing.
    Clan wars r most in need of a healthy injection of help n incentives as well.
  2. Let's trial tiers before capping bfa - tiers require no adjustment of the players bfa or build just a minimum and maximum bfa and minimum and maximum amount of players. This will also alleviate the luck involved as you could sign up in a clan and have the option of being placed by the computer for those who can't find a place
  3. Oh boo hoo red can't win war cuz he has too much BFA

    cry me a river op u nub
  4. Personally i don't give a **** if red can war.

    But I do care about people getting stuck on his team when he attempts too. (Problem isn't just with red)
  5. And one other thing. Capping it by gold value of allies isn't right either. LB's who hoard allies will have more cs per T. I've looked over Redstar's shop when he's had it open. He prices his allies to keep. He would be at a significant disadvantage if only 400T of his allies counted.

    Capping the CS from BFA is the key. And you do it in proportion to what they have.
  6. The idea is solutions n until tried we won't know will we? Not Reds fault he's so huge its problematic of the vast gap of BFA.
  7. Op said 400t as a reference to the position on ally lb (which is strength based) that you would hold
  9. Either a Tier format or cap BFA.
    New ideas n trials seem in order.
    I see no reason they cannot be tried during the off season as done before.
  10. Why should anyone have to cap their bfa just because the devs are so narrow sighted and show little motivation to fix the problem properly or trial a proper fix - instead put up primal where no bfa or bfe ( great devs encourage build complete builds with heaps of towers but no need to grow more - good business direction) and individual wars ( randomly matched tier system which was tweaked after first week of season 1 as one particular lb didn't loose a war but in essence leave a lot to luck as wc or amount of inactives or players throwing the war is luck). Let's go back to clan systems with set parameters and bring back a little clan meaning into the game.
  11. No one is forced to enter EE. If they choose to its their choice. Its more up to ppl above 400t that r effected n there r not many. If ok with them is totally their choice. If nothing else they might enjoy EE more n enter more often. This thread is merely an overview of HUGE BFA n its effects.

    Eg the top 10 LB BFA can group together n discuss what they think about a BFA cap.
    Say they r all in agreement n we move on.
    Their input would be most interesting.
  12. I think just devs need to use common sense and fix it. Not capping BFA tho.
  13. In another thread i suggested more war tourneys. Its not a solution but something to encourage more warring. I leave it to the pros that know all the ins n outs of build/stats n the effect they have to offer solutions.
  14. I think 400t is quite high - I think 250t would b a good starting point
  15. A radical idea:
    Kingdoms can choose how much of which BFA is on or off. After all its similar to how u want to deploy all your assets. Already can choose what BFE u wanna use. This oughta get me picked apart royally

  16. I like it lol
  17. Call it da kick ass meter idc
    KaW KAM
    If u feel nice tone it down...
    Feelin big n nasty crank up da volume..
    U don't care close ur eyes n guess

    Maybe have settings:
    B - big
    M- medium
    S - small


    B - bully
    M - midget
    S - spin the wheel n where she stops..
  18. IMO round wars need taken out.
  19. Wish i could but not big enuf to take anyone out but i can watch..gets popcorn
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